Jan. 7 2009
Der Schlüssel für Malygos
Der derzeit einzige Encounter im Spiel, zu dem man nicht so ohne weiteres hin kommt, ist Malygos. Wobei, in die Instanz kommt man auch ohne Schlüssel/Vorquest. Jedoch kann man dann Malygos nicht beschwören und somit den Encounter nicht starten. Um Malygos beschwören zu können benötigt man einen speziellen Schlüssel, ein sogenanntes Attunement.
Der Questgegenstand, der (Heroische) Schlüssel der fokussierenden Iris, der dieses ermöglicht droppt in Naxxramas bei Saphiron. Hier ist zu beachten das das 10er Questitem nur das Beschwören des 10er Malygos ermöglicht. Wer also Malygos im 25er Heroischen Modus spielen möchte, muss zuerst Saphiron mit 25 Mitspielern töten und dort den Schlüssel looten.
Es reicht jedoch, wenn ein Spieler im Raid die Quest angenommen hat. Dieser Spieler muss dann immer Malygos zu Beginn des Kampfes beschwören.
Bei uns ging das erste Questitem an die Raidleitung (in dem Fall an mich), da so sichergestellt ist, das in jedem Raid regelmäßig eine Person anwesend ist, die Malygos beschwören kann. Denn nichts wäre ärgerlicher als einen Keyträger zu haben, der aber nicht im Raid ist und man demnach Malygos nicht beschwören kann.
Wenn man dann Malygos erledigt hat, winken verschiedene Necklaces als Belohnung für den Schlüsselträger. Bei uns Priestern stellen diese Ketten mitunter die Best Items on Slot dar, daher sollte jeder Priester in Erwägung ziehen das Questitem zu looten und die Quest zu beenden.
Für die 10er Version gibt es nach erfolgreichem Malygos-Kill folgende Belohnungen:
Kette des uralten Wyrms, Halsreif des roten Drachenschwarms, Anhänger des Drachenverschworenen & Drachenschuppenkragen.
Für die 25er Version gibt es dann:
Wyrmruhhalskette der Macht, Medaillon der Lebensbinderin, Gunst der Drachenkönigin und Perlen des Nexuskriegchampions.
Ich habe mich für das Medaillon der Lebensbinderin entschieden, was in meinen Augen für den Holy-Priester das Best Item on Slot darstellt.
7. Januar 2009 @ 14:59
Glückwunsch 🙂
Ich denke die 25er Version ist für fast alle Klassen/Skillungen best on slot, als Katze trage ich sie auch. Für den Bären hingegen gibt es dann doch etwas besseres.
7. Januar 2009 @ 15:39
I am not sure,
i dont like items with stat points going into mp5, i would even prefer some pieces with spirit > mp5 (if you would check up my gear) but maybe thats just me since i prefer haste/crit in every slot over mp5.
What are your thoughts about this one, cosmic lights (from saph) is in my opinion also a very awesome piece or are you gearing for next content / more spamming because auf mp5?
7. Januar 2009 @ 19:31
Hi Jirschi,
normally i prefer spirit > mp5. Exceptions are some Items, that have great other Stats where you can pass on regen (spirt/mp5). For example, the Signet of Manifested Pain (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40399) is such an item (i hope it will drop for me soon) I call them „offensive Items“.
The Neck you mentioned (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40374) is a bit more offensive then mine (and surely the best Shadow Necklace), cause it have no regen, therefor haste and crit.
The reason i’ve choosen the Life-Binder’s Locket: It has a Gem-Socket. With a good Gem in it, it is better then the Cosmic Light (and it even will be better when Blizz will release new epic Gems). Of course if you don’t need haste anymore.
I allready have my personally haste cap, around 330 Rating, 10% (unbuffed), that is (imo) enough for a holy priest. Otherwise you would run oom to fast.
At the point where i reached my cap, i went for crit and regen. And mp5 is better then no regen. Surely spirit would be better, but i found no necklace with crit, spirit and a Gem-Slot -_-
Sorry for my german english, i’m a litte out of practice.
8. Januar 2009 @ 13:28
Ah the gemslot, surely a very good point!
Actually i am running around with 210 haste rating and i think 23% crit (my wishlist endgame is also 300haste) STILL i would not go for mp5 for whatever reason.
Haste/Crit — more haste is always good because you can react faster and you are faster with your heals so you can wait longer oo5sec rule – now i never got the idea of „enough“ haste, can you ever have enough haste? If you have to much haste for the encounter just stay more oo5 and if you NEED to heal much i would be very happy if i am faster! Crit on the other hand ~ It proccs Inspiration, Surge of Light and last but not least IHC. As a Healer crit is normally not very dependable but i think that also depends on your assignment. Some CoH crits with Surge Proccs simple rock your mana. Inspiration and IHC for flash heal / Greater Heal spamming is very nice. I dont want to go into detail but i think everyone wants to procc Serendipity!
And mp5 is flat mana reg, no scaling at all, i totally hate it, it just means i am able to be a paladin, which i am not cause for what i stack huge amounts of spirit?
But i realize now that there is one point, i am normally always running with 2 „defense“ trinkets –> Blue Dragon, Noble Deck – 2 Darkmoon Decks. I recently got the spirit world glass for testing but i need more testing if it is better as Blue Dragon, which i dont believe. I think i read some time ago that you go with one offensive and one defensive trinket or?
I am not sure how you are equipping yourself but i want to point out that you dont have to focus on some kind of best in slot items. For example i think dwarfpriest has sympathy as one of the best priest chests. i personnaly cant agree with that. i am going to pick up the Sartha 1 Add chest with nice allround stats and haste/spellpower. Sure this thing has no crit but then i go on and pick in an other slot a very nice piece with allround stats (int/spirt i mean) with crit/spellpower. So it just balances out when my gear is complete.
I dont know if u have played diszi pve anytime in raid content, here i admit is mp5 a nice stat IF u need reggen, but since diszi is so mana effizient and there is no real heal challenge currently i dont know if anyone can confirm me that mp5 is a stat you should aim for ulduar or more haste (400+) is the way to go for diszipline …
btw good luck getting the best in slot ring^^ since we dont have dkp and i dont want to roll against all casters i would pick up ring of holy cleansing and the 25hero badge ring. any comments?
9. Januar 2009 @ 00:50
Could there be enough Haste? That is the question everyone has to answer for themself.
Surly, more Haste means faster casting and more HPS, but do you need more HPS on cost of more Mana?
With 10% Haste (around 330 Rating) and an IHC Procc, your Flashheal ist below the Global CD. So in my opinion a waste of Haste. Thats the main reason, why i stopped stacking Haste at 10%. The other way would be not to skill IHC and go for even more Haste. But everything below GCD is a waste of Stats/Skillpoints. In BC Content stacking haste was so attractive for a holy, cause it was the cheaper way to raise the Circle of Healing HPS by lowering the CD with Haste. Raising the CoH HPS with Spellpower was much more expensive (at the view Itemstats per Itemlevelpoints). So every Holy went for Haste to spam CoH faster. Now the 6 Sec CD on CoH was announced, Haste becomes much more unattractive, while Haste now don’t affect the CoH-GCD anymore. The only thing how you can raise CoH HPS now (now means after Patch 3.0.8) is Spellpower and Crit.
Crit is a very new and smart stat for a Priest. First of all it raises the HPS (like Haste) but it safes mana (Freecast, IHC, Surge of Light, Serendipity) and didn’t burn it like Haste. And of course your tanks love you for Inspiration.
And yes, Blue Dragon and Noble (Greatness-Card) Deck, i would call them „defensive“ Trinkets, cause both would give me primary regen. I prefer in normal Fights one offensive Trinket (with much Spellpower) and one for Manareg; This could be a Crit-Trinket like Soul of Dead, too.
In Manabattles two defensive ones can win the fight (Blue Dragon + Earring of Soulful Meditation @ Brutallus e.g.).
If i could choose two trinkets right now, i would wear Soul of Dead and Je’tze’s Bell in normal Situations. In fights where mana is limited, i would prefer Soul of Dead and AlchiStone/Blue Dragon.
The thing about gear selection: I guess it’s much harder then in BC Content to select the gear. First of all, you can’t see what should be Healer and Damage Dealer Items (as long as no Hit is on it, then it’s clear a DD-Thing). You can choose Set or NonSet Items. Surly you can loot one Head with Haste and then take a Chest with crit for your personal balance of stats. It could also be the other way round (Chest with Haste, Head with Crit).
But there will be always (or usual) an Item that is the Best one on Slot. You can see it on the Item-Level. 226 are better then 213 or 200 Things. There’re some higher stats, mostly Spellpower or Int/WK/Stam, while Haste/Crit stays the same. I looted everything in the 10er Content, so 200er Epics. Now i upgrade part by part with (imo) best on Slot Items. While we’re raiding with a DKP-System it could take some time, cause everyone want the good things and they’re expensive. So in the meanwhile i took some „Not the Best, but Ok 213 Epics“ for Min-Bids…
The Manifested Pain Ring dropped yesterday, and i paid a lot for it. But it’s worth, cause (imo) its the best offensive Ring for a Healer in Game atm.
The Badge-Ring is an option of course. Annhylde’s Ring from Heroic Utgarde Keep would be an offensive option, too. But with Holy Cleansing you would wear two rings with haste, none with crit. There i would prefer the Badge Ring (Renewal of Life) cause it’s have crit an a litte regen with mp5. Surely suboptimal, but better then none.
No, Disc i never played in raids, just in pvp. Our Priest Evilstevo is Full Disc. The thing i don’t like with disc, is that you can’t see the things your doing in Recount. Disc Priests try to avoid damage with shields, not just heal like holys. So he is the last one in Healmeters, a thing i’m no friend with.
But the Disc-Tree is smart. Rupture as mana-Regain Talent for effektive heal is just the opposite from Serendipity, where you get Mana from Overhealing.
And Penance is very cool. Maybe all Healskills will work this way sometime, when Blizz will overhaul the complete Healsystem.
I’m no expert for Disc, but i would go for haste>mp5>crit>spi. Crit will trigger your Shield-Things that means Avoidance and Manareg (via Divine Aegis and Rapture) and with Haste you will become more effektive Heal and regain Mana trough Rapture (and Haste even works with Penance). Mp5 makes more sense then Spirit, cause you can’t skill deep enough into the holytree and won’t profit form spirit as much as a holypriest do.
I would stop stacking haste, if i cast a shield, get the Haste Buff from Borrowed Times and my Flash would go below Global CD. Don’t know with which Hasterating this would be. Then i would go for regen+crit and of course spellpower.
9. Januar 2009 @ 11:02
i would have to answer much on this post :s i know all the basics / advanced things about us priests^^ but anyway thanks for reminding some readers here if they read it.
You dont have the Greatness Card, do you?
Actually i can also hope that there will be more „penance“ like spells, i run in our raid in all 3 speccs, depending on how much healers are on and if i feel like diszi or holy and i can tell you that penance is SO awesome to heal with that you dont miss that stupid button smasher coh ~.~(and rupture > serendipity …)
just a side note -> when you shield someone you normally dont cast flash heal if penance is not on cooldown because penance gets the haste buff of borrowed times but dont consumes the effect^^“
yes i took 2 rings with haste rating, i pick more crit on other gear. And mp5, did i mention that i dont like mp5 as holy^^““
gz on the ring 🙂 sometimes a system with dkp would be nice ~.~ and with this in mind i would also like to comment on gear choices. I see that with our system we check who gets the most of one item, and normally give to the one who gets more of it. If it is even the roll is going to decide who gets it.
Do you have a lootlist anywhere stated on your side for your „wishlist“ endgame?
yeah well and on the other things you mentioned i am going to answer that with more time :S
9. Januar 2009 @ 17:20
No, i haven’t the Greatness Card, but i want to make me one on my own with my Warri. But i’m waiting till Patch 3.0.8 where you can change normal Ink to Snowfall Ink.
And a Posting about my Gearplan/Lootlist is a great idea for a seperate posting 🙂 Thx for the hint.