Heute wurde ein neuer Build auf die PTRs aufgespielt, der primär das Argent Tournament auf die PTRs gebracht hat. In diesem Turnier geht es darum, ein Kolosseum im Namen eurer Fraktion zu erbauen. Ebenso wird erstmalig der berittene Kampf zum Einsatz kommen, auf den ich schon sehr gespannt bin.
Insgesamt bietet der Build altbewährte Quest-Hub Mentalitäten, wenn auch neu verpackt. Die neue Währung für die wir farmen dürfen heisst übrigens Champion‘s Seals.
Diese Marken werden für die Items, Mounts, Tabards, Pets und Banner benötigt:
• Tabard – 50 Seals
• Faction Banner – 15 Seals
• Faction Mount – 100 Seals
• Faction Pet – 40 Seals
• Argent Hippogryph – 250 Seals
• Epic Weapons – 25 Seals
• Rare Armor / Neck / Trinkets – 10 Seals

Die restlichen bekannten Items, Mounts etc. findet ihr hier.
Darüber hinaus gab es noch einige kleinere Änderungen an den Glyphen:
• Glyph of Shred – Each time you Shred, the duration of your Rip on the target is extended 2 sec, up to a maximum of 6 sec. (Old – Increases the damage dealt by Shred to stunned and incapacitated targets by 20%.)
• Glyph of Fade – Reduces the cooldown of your Fade spell by 9 sec. (Down from 15 sec)
• Glyph of Mass Dispel — Reduces the mana cost of Mass Dispel by 50%. (Up from 20%)
• Glyph of Mind Control — Reduces the chance targets will resist or break your Mind Control spell by an additional 17%. (Old – Increases the duration of your Mind Control spell by 30 sec.)
• Glyph of Smite — Your Smite spell inflicts an additional 20% damage against targets afflicted by Holy Fire. (Old – Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting Smite by 100%.)
• Glyph of Scourge Imprisonment — Reduces the cast time of your Shackle Undead by 0.5 sec. (Old – Increases the chance of success for your Shackle Undead spell by 8%.)
• Glyph of Backstab – Each time you Backstab, the duration of your Rupture on the target is extended 2 sec, up to a maximum of 6 sec. (Old – Increases the damage dealt by Backstab to stunned and incapacitated targets by 20%.)
• Glyph of Hunger For Blood — Increases the bonus damage from Hunger For Blood by 3%. (Old – 1% per application)
• Glyph of Demonic Circle — Reduces the cooldown on Demonic Circle by 4 sec. (Old – 0.4 sec)
Bei den Klassenspells & Talenten gab es auch noch ein paar Änderungen:
Death Knight
• Frost Fever now lasts 15 seconds. (Up from 12 seconds)
• Blood Plague now lasts 15 seconds. (Up from 12 seconds)
• Ghoul Frenzy is now instant cast.
• Revitalize now also affects Wild Growth.
• Thunderstomp (Gorilla) has been removed as a pet skill and replaced by Pummel – Pummel the target, interrupting spellcasting and preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 4 sec. (20 Focus, 5 yd range, Instant, 10 sec cooldown)
• Thunderstomp is now a pet talent available to any Tenacity pet. Now your bears, crocs or ESPECIALLY CRABS can join in the AE tanking fun.
• Savage Rend (Raptor) now temporarily boost the raptor’s damage by 10% for 30 seconds.
• Furious Howl (Wolf) now only affects the wolf and its master, duration increased from 10 to 20 seconds.
• Grace doesn’t reduce damage dealt to the target anymore but now increases the healing received from the Priest by 3% (Up from 2%)
• Renewed Hope now also give you a 100% chance to reduce all damage taken by 3% for 20 sec to all friendly party and raid targets when you Power Word: Sheild a friendly target.
• Hunger for Blood now has a 30 yards range.
• Tricks of the Trade now removes the threat caused by your next damaging attack. (Old – Your next attack)
• Enslave Demon has been changed, it is no longer more difficult to control a demon if you repeatedly enslave the same demon.
• Nemesis no longer reduce the cooldown of Soulstone.
Übrigens sind bereits eine ganze Reihe an Ulduar Waffen Models extrahiert worden. Wer sich die neuen Ulduar Weapons anschauen möchte, findet sie sehr schön hier aufgelistet.
Bilder von: mmo-champion.com
Streamer/YouTuber/Redakteur at Myself Jahrgang '79, seit Ende der '80er nerdiger Gamer. Absolvierte die Ausbildung zum Editor bei der Computec Media AG (PC Games) in Fürth. Kommunikationsdesigner durch die School of Life, Streamer und YouTuber aus Leidenschaft!
Feb. 27 2009
Patch 3.1: PTR Build 9626
Heute wurde ein neuer Build auf die PTRs aufgespielt, der primär das Argent Tournament auf die PTRs gebracht hat. In diesem Turnier geht es darum, ein Kolosseum im Namen eurer Fraktion zu erbauen. Ebenso wird erstmalig der berittene Kampf zum Einsatz kommen, auf den ich schon sehr gespannt bin.
Insgesamt bietet der Build altbewährte Quest-Hub Mentalitäten, wenn auch neu verpackt. Die neue Währung für die wir farmen dürfen heisst übrigens Champion‘s Seals.
Diese Marken werden für die Items, Mounts, Tabards, Pets und Banner benötigt:
• Tabard – 50 Seals
• Faction Banner – 15 Seals
• Faction Mount – 100 Seals
• Faction Pet – 40 Seals
• Argent Hippogryph – 250 Seals
• Epic Weapons – 25 Seals
• Rare Armor / Neck / Trinkets – 10 Seals
Die restlichen bekannten Items, Mounts etc. findet ihr hier.
Darüber hinaus gab es noch einige kleinere Änderungen an den Glyphen:
• Glyph of Shred – Each time you Shred, the duration of your Rip on the target is extended 2 sec, up to a maximum of 6 sec. (Old – Increases the damage dealt by Shred to stunned and incapacitated targets by 20%.)
• Glyph of Fade – Reduces the cooldown of your Fade spell by 9 sec. (Down from 15 sec)
• Glyph of Mass Dispel — Reduces the mana cost of Mass Dispel by 50%. (Up from 20%)
• Glyph of Mind Control — Reduces the chance targets will resist or break your Mind Control spell by an additional 17%. (Old – Increases the duration of your Mind Control spell by 30 sec.)
• Glyph of Smite — Your Smite spell inflicts an additional 20% damage against targets afflicted by Holy Fire. (Old – Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting Smite by 100%.)
• Glyph of Scourge Imprisonment — Reduces the cast time of your Shackle Undead by 0.5 sec. (Old – Increases the chance of success for your Shackle Undead spell by 8%.)
• Glyph of Backstab – Each time you Backstab, the duration of your Rupture on the target is extended 2 sec, up to a maximum of 6 sec. (Old – Increases the damage dealt by Backstab to stunned and incapacitated targets by 20%.)
• Glyph of Hunger For Blood — Increases the bonus damage from Hunger For Blood by 3%. (Old – 1% per application)
• Glyph of Demonic Circle — Reduces the cooldown on Demonic Circle by 4 sec. (Old – 0.4 sec)
Bei den Klassenspells & Talenten gab es auch noch ein paar Änderungen:
Death Knight
• Frost Fever now lasts 15 seconds. (Up from 12 seconds)
• Blood Plague now lasts 15 seconds. (Up from 12 seconds)
• Ghoul Frenzy is now instant cast.
• Revitalize now also affects Wild Growth.
• Thunderstomp (Gorilla) has been removed as a pet skill and replaced by Pummel – Pummel the target, interrupting spellcasting and preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 4 sec. (20 Focus, 5 yd range, Instant, 10 sec cooldown)
• Thunderstomp is now a pet talent available to any Tenacity pet. Now your bears, crocs or ESPECIALLY CRABS can join in the AE tanking fun.
• Savage Rend (Raptor) now temporarily boost the raptor’s damage by 10% for 30 seconds.
• Furious Howl (Wolf) now only affects the wolf and its master, duration increased from 10 to 20 seconds.
• Grace doesn’t reduce damage dealt to the target anymore but now increases the healing received from the Priest by 3% (Up from 2%)
• Renewed Hope now also give you a 100% chance to reduce all damage taken by 3% for 20 sec to all friendly party and raid targets when you Power Word: Sheild a friendly target.
• Hunger for Blood now has a 30 yards range.
• Tricks of the Trade now removes the threat caused by your next damaging attack. (Old – Your next attack)
• Enslave Demon has been changed, it is no longer more difficult to control a demon if you repeatedly enslave the same demon.
• Nemesis no longer reduce the cooldown of Soulstone.
Übrigens sind bereits eine ganze Reihe an Ulduar Waffen Models extrahiert worden. Wer sich die neuen Ulduar Weapons anschauen möchte, findet sie sehr schön hier aufgelistet.
Bilder von: mmo-champion.com
By Marcus Lottermoser • World of Warcraft 0 • Tags: Patch 3.1, PTR