Juni 27 2009
Patch 3.2 – T9 Sets, Setboni, Items & Berufe
Was ja die meisten interessiert sind natürlich die neuen T9 Sets, was sowohl Skins als auch Boni angeht. Leider sind noch keine neuen Grafiken für die T9 Sets implementiert, stattdessen gibt es derzeit nur Placeholder. Hier müssen wir uns noch ein wenig gedulden.
Was neu ist, ist das sich die Sets von Horde und Allianz graphisch unterscheiden sollen. Da bin ich ja mal gespannt, welche Seite die besseren Sets erwischen wird.
Ferner wird es nun auch 3 Sets geben, entsprechend den drei Instanzversionen, also 10er, 25er, Hard und Soft. Somit erstreckt sich das Itemlevel von 232 über 245 bis hin zu 258.
10er Soft = 232
10er Hard = 245
25er Soft = 245
25er Hard 258
Die Priester-Setboni sind derzeit noch recht bescheiden, ich hoffe das es mehr oder minder auch noch Placeholder sind. Wenn das tatsächlich so kommen sollte, brauch man als Healpriester das T9 Set gar nicht erst anziehen, zumindest nicht wegen der Boni.
Der 2er Boni verringert den Cooldown von Prayer of Mending um 2 Sekunden. Hm, da war der 2er T7 Bonus, bei dem unser PoM ein zusätzliches mal überspringt bei weitem sinnvoller. Zumal man als Holy sowieso den CD eher wieder ready hat, als das unser PoM 5 mal übergesprungen wäre. Naja, sinnloser Bonus.
Aber jetzt kommt der Kracher: Der 4er Bonus: 5% Crit auf unser Gebet der Heilung. Soweit eigentlich nicht schlecht.
Uneigentlich gibt uns jedoch der 2er (!) Bonus des T8 Sets 10% auf eben diesen Spell. WTF?!
Also mehr Teile anziehen (4 statt 2) und dafür dann noch 5% weniger Crit bekommen?! Hallo Blizzard, geht’s noch? Wenn das kein Placeholder sein soll, zweifle ich so langsam wirklich an der Kreativität des Entwicklerteams.
Die restlichen Items und T9 Sets gibt’s hier:
- Elixir of Mastery now requires Terocone x 1 (Down from 3), Felweed , Imbued Vial .
- Transmute: Ametrine has been added to the game. – Transmute the elements of shadow and a Majestic Zircon into an Ametrine gem.
- Transmute: Cardinal Ruby has been added to the game. – Transmute several Eyes of Zul into a Cardinal Ruby.
- Transmute: Dreadstone has been added to the game. – Transmute several Twilight Opals into a Dreadstone.
- Transmute: Eye of Zul has been added to the game. – Transmute several Forest Emeralds into an Eye of Zul.
- Transmute: King’s Amber has been added to the game. – Transmute the elements of life and a Majestic Zircon into King’s Amber.
- Transmute: Majestic Zircon has been added to the game. – Transmute several Sky Sapphires into a Majestic Zircon.
- Flask of the North has been added to the game.
- Legplates of Conquest now requires Saronite Bar x 13 (up from 3), Crystallized Earth x 2. This change was hotfixed on 3.1 live servers.
- Breastplate of the White Knight has been added to the game.
- Saronite Swordbreakers has been added to the game.
- Sunforged Bracers has been added to the game.
- Sunforged Breastplate has been added to the game.
- Titanium Razorplate has been added to the game.
- Titanium Spikeguards has been added to the game.
- Blackened Dragonfin – now requires 1 x Dragonfin Angelfish (down from 2), 1 x Northern Spices .
- Pumpkin Pie has been added to the game.
- Slow-Roasted Turkey has been added to the game.
- Spice Bread Stuffing has been added to the game.
- Candied Sweet Potato has been added to the game.
- Cranberry Chutney has been added to the game.
- Candied Sweet Potato has been added to the game.
- Spice Bread Stuffing has been added to the game.
- Bread of the Dead has been added to the game.
- Enchant Ring – Assault now increases attack power by 40. (Up from 32)
- Enchant Ring – Greater Spellpower now increases spell power by 23. (Up from 19)
- Enchant Ring – Stamina now increases Stamina by 30. (Up from 24)
- Enchant Shield – Tough Shield now increases the block value of a shield by 36. (Up from 18 )
- Goblin Beam Welder has been added to the game.
- Goblin Thermal Sapper Charge now creates Global Thermal Sapper Charge x 5. (Up from 1)
- Mana Injector Kit now creates Mana Injector Kit x 8. (Up from 5)
- Saronite Razorheads now creates Saronite Razorheads x 1000 instead of Saronite Arrow Maker and requires Saronite Bar x 2. (Down from 15)
- Healing Injector Kit now creates Healing Injector Kit x 8. (Up from 5)
- Mammoth Cutters now creates Mammoth Cutters x 1000 instead of Ultrasafe Bullet Machine and requires Saronite Bar x 1 (Down from 6) and Volatile Blasting Trigger (Down from 4).
- Nitro Boosts now increases critical strike and hit rating by 12 instead of just increasing critical strike rating by 16. It now lets you run faster for 5 sec (Up from 2 sec).
- Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket now deals 1654 to 2020 Fire damage. (Up from 1440 to 1760 Fire damage)
- Hyperspeed Accelerators now lasts 12 sec. (Up from 10 sec)
- Reticulated Armor Webbing now increases armor by 885. (Up from 800)
- Belt-Clipped Spynoculars has been renamed to Brassbolt Rebreather – Permanently attaches a rebreather to your belt, allowing you to breath underwater. Only a skilled engineer can enjoy the benefits of a rebreather.
- Flexweave Underlay now increases Agility by 23 (up from 15) and let you fall slowly for 30 sec. (Up from 10 sec)
- Springy Arachnoweave now increases spell power by 27 (up from 18 ) and let you fall slowly for 30 sec. (Up from 10 sec)
- Arcanite Dragonling now requires Delicate Arcanite Converter x 4 (Down from 8 ) and no longer requires any Enchanted Thorium Bar , Thorium Widget , Gold Power Core , or Enchanted Leather
- Alarm-O-Bot now creates Alarm-O-Bot x 2 (Up from 1) and no longer requires any Thorium Widget , Rugged Leather , or Star Ruby .
- Fused Wiring now creates Fused Wiring x 5. (Up from 1)
- Mithril Mechanical Dragonling now requires Mithril Bar x 4 (Down from 14), Heart of Fire x 2 (Down from 4), Truesilver Bar x 4, Star Ruby x 1 (Down from 2). It no longer requires any Inlaid Mithril Cylinder or Goblin Rocket Fuel .
- Mechanical Dragonling now requires Bronze Framework , Iron Strut x 2 (Down from 4), Gyrochronatom x 2 (Down from 4), Citrine x 1 (Down from 2). It no longer requires any Fused Wiring
- Lifeblood (Rank 6) now heals for 3600 over 5 sec. (Up from 2000 over 5 sec)
- Master’s Inscription of the Axe now adds adds 120 attack power (up from 104) and 15 critical strike .
- Master’s Inscription of the Crag now adds 70 spell power (up from 61) and 6 mana every 5 sec.
- Master’s Inscription of the Pinnacle now 60 dodge rating (up from 52) and 15 defense rating.
- Master’s Inscription of the Storm now 70 spell power (up from 61) and 15 critical strike rating.
Epic gems are now available!
- Fur Lining – Arcane Resist now increases your Arcane Resistance by 70. (Up from 60)
- Fur Lining – Attack Power now increases your Attack Power by 130. (Up from 114)
- Fur Lining – Fire Resist now increases your Fire Resistance by 70. (Up from 60)
- Fur Lining – Frost Resist now increases your Frost Resistance by 70. (Up from 60)
- Fur Lining – Nature Resist now increases your Nature Resistance by 70. (Up from 60)
- Fur Lining – Shadow Resist now increases your Shadow Resistance by 70. (Up from 60)
- Fur Lining – Spell Power now increases your Spell Power by 76. (Up from 67)
- Fur Lining – Stamina now increases stamina by 102. (Up from 90)
- Black Chitin Bracers has been added to the game.
- Bracers of Swift Death has been added to the game.
- Crusader’s Dragonscale Bracers has been added to the game.
- Crusader’s Dragonscale Breastplate has been added to the game.
- Ensorcelled Nerubian Breastplate has been added to the game.
- Knightbane Carapace has been added to the game.
- Lunar Eclipse Chestguard has been added to the game.
- Moonshadow Armguards has been added to the game.
- Toughness now increases Stamina by 60. (Up from 50)
- Master of Anatomy now increases your critical strike rating by 40. (Up from 32)
- Darkglow Embroidery now gives you a chance to restore 400 mana (up from 300) on spell cast.
- Lightweave Embroidery now gives you a chance to increase your spell power by 295 (up from 250) for 15 sec.
- Swordguard Embroidery now gives you a chance to increase your attack power by 400 (up from 300) for 15 sec.
- Bejeweled Wizard’s Bracers has been added to the game.
- Merlin’s Robe has been added to the game.
- Royal Moonshroud Bracers has been added to the game.
- Royal Moonshroud Robe has been added to the game.
Quelle: mmo-champion.com
30. Juni 2009 @ 13:20
2er boni: Increases the healing done by your Prayer of Mending spell by 20%.#
4er boni: Increases the shield from your Divine Aegis and the instant healing from your Empowered Renew by 10%.
das wären die neuen boni, auch nicht so toll doch endlich mal ein 4er boni der holy und disc berücksichtigt.
15. Juli 2009 @ 07:26
2er setboni schattenpriester, „Increases the duration of your devouring plague spell by 61 seconds“…
61 sekunden is das nich n bissl viel? naja denke die werden sowieso alle noch ueberarbeitet^^