Wie so oft, waren manche Klassen mit dem ersten Entwurf ihrer T10 Set Boni nicht gerade zufrieden und das wilde Gejammer in den offiziellen Foren begann. Blizzard hat dieses mal relativ schnell reagiert und eine zweite Fassung der T10 Set Boni designt.
Hier findet ihr nun die überarbeiteten Fassungen der T10 Sets:
Death Knight / Todesritter T10 Set
- 2 Pieces (Damage): (Updated) Your Obliterate and Scourge Strike abilities deal 10% increased damage., and your Heart Strike ability deals 7% increased damage.
- 4 Pieces (Damage): Whenever all your runes are on cooldown, you gain 3% increased damage done with weapons, spells, and abilities for the next 15 second.
- 2 Pieces (Tank): Increases the damage done by your Death and Decay ability by 20%.
- 4 Pieces (Tank): When you activate Blood Tap, you gain 12% damage reduction from all attacks for 10 seconds.
Druid / Druide T10 Set
- 2 Pieces (Balance): (Updated) When you gain Clearcasting from your Omen of Clarity talent, you deal 15% additional Nature and Arcane damage for 6 seconds.
- 4 Pieces (Balance): (Updated) Your critical strikes from Starfire and Wrath cause the target languish for an additional 5% of your spell’s damage over 4 seconds.
- 2 Pieces (Heal): The healing granted by your Wild Growth spell reduces 0% less over time.
- 4 Pieces (Heal): Each time your Rejuvenation spell heals a target, it has a 2% chance to jump to a new target at full duration.
- 2 Pieces (Feral): Your Swipe (Bear) and Lacerate abilities deal 20% additional damage and the cost of your Rip ability is reduced by 10 energy.
- 4 Pieces (Feral): Your Enrage ability no longer decreases your armor and instead decreases all damage taken by 12%, and the periodic damage done by your Rake ability can now be a critical strike.
Hunter / Jäger T10 Set
- 2 Pieces: Your Auto Shots have a 5% chance to cause you and your pet to deal 15% additional damage for until cancelled.
- 4 Pieces: (Updated) When your Viper Sting, Serpent Sting, and Wyvern Sting abilities deal damage, you have a 5% chance to gain 20% attack power for 10 seconds.
Mage / Magier T10 Set
- 2 Pieces: (Updated) Your Hot Streak, Missile Barrage, and Brain Freeze talents also grant you 12% haste for 5 seconds when the effect of the talent is consumed.
- 4 Pieces: (Updated) Your Mirror Image ability also causes you to deal 18% additional damage for 30 seconds.
Paladin T10 Set
- 2 Pieces (Damage): (Updated) Your melee attacks have a 40% chance to reset the cooldown on your Divine Storm ability.
- 4 Pieces (Damage): (Updated) Your Seals and Judgements deal 10% additional damage.
- 2 Pieces (Heal): The cooldown on your Divine Favor talent is reduced by 60 sec.
- 4 Pieces (Heal): Your Holy Shock spell causes the next Holy Light you cast within 10 sec to have 0.3 sec reduced cast time.
- 2 Pieces (Tank): Your Hammer of the Righteous ability deals 20% increased damage.
- 4 Pieces (Tank): When you activate Divine Plea, you gain 12% dodge for 10 seconds.
Priest / Priester T10 Set
- 2 Pieces (Damage): (Updated) The critical strike chance of your Shadow Word: Pain, Devouring Plague, and Vampiric Touch spells is increased by 5%.
- 4 Pieces (Damage): (Updated) Reduces the channel duration and period of your Mind Flay spell by 0.5 seconds.
- 2 Pieces (Heal): After your Pain Suppression and Guardian Spirit talents expire on your target, they grant your target 10% increased healing received for 10 sec.
- 4 Pieces (Heal): Your Flash Heal spell has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown on your Circle of Healing and Penance Spells.
Rogue / Schurke T10 Set
- 2 Pieces: (Updated) Your Tricks of the Trade ability now grants you 15 energy instead of costing energy.
- 4 Pieces: (Updated) Gives your melee finishing moves a 13% chance to add 3 combo points to your target.
Shaman / Schamane T10 Set
- 2 Pieces (Enhancement): When you activate your Shamanistic Rage ability you also deal 12% additional damage for 15 second.
- 4 Pieces (Enhancement): Each time the beneficial effect of your Maelstrom Weapon talent reaches 5 charges, you have a 15% chance to gain 20% attack power for 10 second.
- 2 Pieces (Elemental): Your Lightning Bolt spell reduces the remaining cooldown on your Elemental Mastery talent by 1 second.
- 4 Pieces (Elemental): (Updated) The cooldown on your Lava Burst ability is reduced by 1.5 seconds.
- 2 Pieces (Heal): Your Riptide spell grants 20% spell haste for your next spellcast.
- 4 Pieces (Heal): Your Chain Heal critical strikes cause the target to heal for 25% of the healed amount.
Warlock / Hexenmeister T10 Set
- 2 Pieces: (Updated) The critical strike chance of your Shadowbolt, Incinerate, Soulfire, and Corruption spells is increased by 5%.
- 4 Pieces: (Updated) Each time your Immolate and Unstable Affliction spells deal periodic damage, you have a 15% chance to gain 10% damage done by you and your pet for 10 seconds.
Warrior / Krieger T10 Set
- 2 Pieces (Damage): (Updated) When your Rend and Deep Wounds abilities deal damage you have a 2% chance to gain 20% attack power for 10 seconds.
- 4 Pieces (Damage): (Updated) You have a 30% chance for your Bloodsurge and Sudden Death talents to grant 2 charges of their effect instead of 1, reduce the global cooldown on Execute or Slam by 0.5 seconds, and for the duration of the effect to be increased by 100%.
- 2 Pieces (Tank): Your Shield Slam and Shockwave abilities deal 20% increased damage.
- 4 Pieces (Tank): Your Bloodrage ability no longer costs health to use, and now causes you to absorb damage equal to 20% of your maximum health.
Streamer/YouTuber/Redakteur at Myself Jahrgang '79, seit Ende der '80er nerdiger Gamer. Absolvierte die Ausbildung zum Editor bei der Computec Media AG (PC Games) in Fürth. Kommunikationsdesigner durch die School of Life, Streamer und YouTuber aus Leidenschaft!
Okt. 9 2009
T10 WoW: WoW T10 Set-Boni Update
Wie so oft, waren manche Klassen mit dem ersten Entwurf ihrer T10 Set Boni nicht gerade zufrieden und das wilde Gejammer in den offiziellen Foren begann. Blizzard hat dieses mal relativ schnell reagiert und eine zweite Fassung der T10 Set Boni designt.
Hier findet ihr nun die überarbeiteten Fassungen der T10 Sets:
By Marcus Lottermoser • World of Warcraft 0 • Tags: Boni, Bonus, Patch 3.3, Set, T10