Apr. 10 2010
Druiden Preview zu Cataclysm: von explodierenden Pilzen, Stampede und noch mehr Pflanzen
Seit gestern nacht gibt es auch das Druidenpreview zu sehen. Scheinbar ist Blizzard hier eher auf kleinere Anpassungen bedacht, soweit ich das nachvollziehen kann, die Masteries sind alle recht gut nachvollziehbar. Die Änderungen beim Feral und bei der Eule laufen entlang der Linien, die schon seit Monaten in Blueposts ersichtlich sind (leichtere Catrota, mehr Optionen beim Bär, mehr Flexibilität und Mobilität bei der Eule). Aber seht selbst:
In World of Warcraft: Cataclysm we’ll be making several changes to class talents and abilities. Here you will get a glimpse into some of the changes we have in store for the druid. The information you’re about to read is certainly not complete, and is only meant to act as a preview of some of the exciting new things to come. Let’s kick things off by checking out some of the new druid spells and abilities!New Druid Abilities
Thrash (Level 81): Thrash deals damage and causes all targets within 10 yards to bleed every 2 seconds for 6 seconds. The intent here is to give bears another button to hit while tanking. Talents will affect the bleed, such as causing Swipe to deal more damage to bleeding targets. 5-second cooldown. 25 Rage.
Stampeding Roar (Level 83): The druid roars, increasing the movement of all allies within 10 yards by 40% for 8 seconds. Stampeding Roar can be used in cat or bear form, but bears might have a talent to drop the cooldown. The goal of this ability is to give both bears and cats a little more situational group utility. 3-minute cooldown. No cost.
Wild Mushroom (Level 85): Grows a magical mushroom at the target location. After 4 seconds the mushroom becomes invisible. Enemies who cross the mushroom detonate it, causing it to deal area-of-effect damage, though its damage component will remain very effective against single targets. The druid can also choose to detonate the mushroom ahead of time. This is primarily a tool for the Balance druid, and there will be talents that play off of it. No cooldown. 40-yard range. Instant cast.
Changes to Abilities and Mechanics
In addition to the new abilities listed above, we intend to make changes to some of the other abilities and mechanics with which you’re already familiar. This list and the summary of talent changes below it are by no means comprehensive, but they should give you a good sense of our goals for each spec.
- All heal-over-time spells (HoTs) will benefit from crit and haste innately in Cataclysm. Hasted HoTs do not reduce their duration, but instead add additional HoT ticks. Haste will also benefit Energy generation while in cat form.
- Unlike the other healers, Restoration druids will not be receiving any new spells. They have plenty to work with already, and our challenge instead is to make sure all of them have a well-defined niche. A druid should be able to tank-heal with stacks of Lifebloom, spot-heal a group with Nourish and Regrowth, and top off lightly wounded targets with Rejuvenation.
- We want to add tools to cat form and depth to bear form. If a Feral cat is going to fill a very similar niche to that of a rogue, warrior or Enhancement shaman, it needs a few more tools — primarily a reliable interrupt. Bears need to be pushing a few more buttons just so the contrast between tanking and damage-dealing is not so steep.
- Barkskin will be innately undispellable.
- We will be buffing the damage of Mangle (cat) significantly so that when cat druids cannot Shred, they are not at such a damage-dealing loss.
- Druids will lose Abolish Poison with the dispel mechanics change, but Restoration druids will gain Dispel Magic (on friendly targets) as a talent. All druids can still remove poisons with Cure Poison and remove curses with Remove Curse.
New Talents and Talent Changes
- Tree of Life is changing from a passive talent to a cooldown-based talent, similar to Metamorphosis. Mechanically, it feels unfair for a druid to have to give up so much offense and utility in order to be just as good at healing as the other classes who are not asked to make that trade. We are exploring the exact benefit the druid gets from Tree of Life. It could strictly be better healing, or it could be that each heal behaves slightly different. You also will not be able to be banished in Tree of Life form (this will probably be true of Metamorphosis as well). Additionally, we would like to update the Tree of Life model so that it feels more exciting when you do decide to go into that form. Our feeling is that druids rarely actually get to show off their armor, so it would be nice to have at least one spec that looked like a night elf or tauren (and soon troll or worgen) for most of the time.
- We want to make the Feral cat damage rotation slightly more forgiving. We do not want to remove what druids like about their gameplay, but we do want to make it less punishing to miss, say, a Savage Roar or Rake. The changes here will be on par with increasing the duration of Mangle like we did for patch 3.3.3.
- Balance druids will have a new talent ability called Nature’s Torrent, which strikes for either Nature or Arcane damage depending on which will do the most damage (or possibly both), and moves the Eclipse meter more (details below). The improved version of Nature’s Torrent also reduces the target’s movement speed. 10-second cooldown.
- Restoration druids will have a new talent called Efflorescence, which causes a bed of healing flora to sprout beneath targets that are critically healed by Regrowth.
- We plan on giving Feral cats and bears a Kick/Pummel equivalent — an interrupt that is off the global cooldown and does no damage. We feel like they need this utility to be able to fill the melee role in a dungeon or raid group, and to give them more PvP utility.
- We want to make sure Feral and Balance druids feel like good options for an Arena team. They need the tools to where you might consider a Feral druid over an Arms warrior, or a Balance druid over a mage or warlock. Remember that the PvP landscape will probably look pretty different for Cataclysm with a focus on rated, competitive Battlegrounds.
Mastery Passive Talent Tree Bonuses
- Spell Damage
- Spell Haste
- Eclipse
Eclipse: We are moving Eclipse from a talent into a core mechanic of the class and making it less random. Balance druids will have a new UI element that shows a sun and a moon. Whenever they cast an Arcane spell, it will move the UI closer to the sun, and buff their Nature damage. Whenever they cast a Nature spell, it will move the UI closer to the moon, and buff their Arcane damage. The gameplay intention is to alternate Arcane and Nature spells (largely Starfire and Wrath) to maintain the balance.
Feral (Cat)
- Melee Damage
- Melee Critical Damage
- Bleed Damage
Feral (Bear)
- Damage Reduction
- Vengeance
- Savage Defense
Bleed Damage and Savage Defense: Feral druids will receive two sets of passive bonuses depending on whether the druid is in cat or bear form. Bleed Damage will be improved for cats. Savage Defense is the current bear mechanic for converting crits into damage absorption and will be improved for bears.
Vengeance: This is a mechanic to ensure that tank damage (and therefore threat) doesn’t fall behind as damage-dealing classes improve their gear during the course of the expansion. All tanking specs will have Vengeance as their second talent tree passive bonus. Whenever a tank gets hit, Vengeance will give them a stacking attack power buff equal to 5% of the damage done, up to a maximum of 10% of the character’s unbuffed health. For boss encounters we expect that tanks will always have the attack power bonus equal to 10% of their health. The 5% and 10% bonuses assume 51 talent points have been put into the Feral tree and the druid is in bear form — these values will be smaller at lower levels. Remember, you only get this bonus if you have spent the most talent points in the Feral tree and are in bear form, so you won’t see Balance, Restoration, or Feral druids in cat form running around with it. Vengeance will let us continue to make tank gear more or less the way we do today — there will be some damage-dealing stats, but mostly survival-oriented stats. Druids typically have more damage-dealing stats even on their tanking gear, so the Vengeance benefit may be smaller, but overall the goal is that all four tanks do about the same damage when tanking.
- Healing
- Meditation
- HoT Scale Healing
HoT Scale Healing: HoTs will do increased healing on more wounded targets. The mechanic is similar to that of the Restoration shaman, but with HoTs instead of direct heals. In Cataclysm, we anticipate druids using a greater variety of their spells so there is a distinction between healing and HoT healing.
We hope you enjoyed this preview, and ask that you provide your initial thoughts and feedback on what was presented here. Please keep in mind, what you’ve just reviewed is a work in progress and as we move closer to the Cataclysm beta, you’ll see these changes as well as others continue to develop in response to testing and feedback.
10. April 2010 @ 17:37
Interessant finde ich beim Balance Druiden das Sun/Moon Konzept. Das erinnert ein wenig an den Warhammer Schamanen mit seinem Waaagh, wo das Pendel stehts nach Mork oder Gork ausschlägt und man so mehr Schaden oder Heilung erzielen kann. Beim Druiden ist es nun Natur oder Elementar Schaden, aber die Funktionsweise des Pendels wahrscheinlich die selbe.
10. April 2010 @ 21:01
Mal aus Eulensicht:
Im Moment ist die Lösung mit Eclipse, also der variable Proc für Moon und Sun – ganz nett, aber so wirklich top DPS kann man leider nur fahren wenn man A – den Wechsel einhällt und B – die procs auch halbwegs verlässlich kommen – Beim Sun Proc hat man beim Starfire Crit ja eine 100% Chance, was ganz gut funktioniert – skaliert schön mit equip und ist durchaus brauchbar –
Der 60% Eclipse:Moon Proc dagegen ist … naja – es kann klappen, kann aber auch gehörig nach hinten losgenen.
Noch hässlicher ist wenn man sich dann bewegen muss – da bricht die DPS ordentlich weg, weil eben genau die teilweise sehr sensiblen Procs ins leere laufen und nicht genutzt werden können.
Insofern eine interessante Idee das ganze komplett passiv zu machen und etwas Balance in den Balance tree zu bringen…
Ein anderer Gedanke – Es wird den Druiden schon seit T1 Zeiten vorgeworfen ihre Schultern zu rauchen ob der nicht nachgewiesenen halluzinogenen Wirkung – Und mit lvl85 sollen Druiden mit „Magic Mushrooms“ um sich werfen…
Ich glaub der zuständige Entwickler hatte sich mal wieder ne ganz große Tüte gebaut…
Zu Feral lässt sich atm wenig sagen – Die Baumform ala Metamorphose zu einem Kurzzeitbuff zu machen halte ich für sehr ungünstig – aber mal schaun ob das wirklich so kommt – der Gedanke der skalierenden HoTs ist sicher nett – wie das mit Haste funktionieren soll ist mir allerdings noch schleierhaft – ab 200 haste tickt das ganze 1mal mehr, mit 199 hat man einfach pech?? – komisch…
Na abwarten – klingt auf alle Fälle interessant.
11. April 2010 @ 03:34
Zu den gehasteten HoTs/DoTs hab ich mir auch schon gedanken gemacht.
Ich vermute mal das sich durch mehr Tempo die Zeit zwischen den Ticks verringert, wie es jetzt eben schon ist. Nur das soviele Ticks angehängt werden dass die Zeit in etwa der Angegebenen entspricht.
DoT hat 10 Ticks, einer alle 3 Sekunden, also 30 Sekunden.
Mit x Haste tickt der dot nun alle 2,7 Sekunden, also 27 Sekunden, jetzt wird ein Tick angehängt und er tickt eben 11x, aber läuft nur 29,7.
mit 2,5 Sekunden ticks wärn wir dann bei 25 Sekunden, nun werden 2 Ticks angehängt und wir sind wieder bei 30 Sekunden bei 12 ticks.
Irgendwie so wird es sein, dadurch hat man mehr Schaden bei nicht großartig veränderter Rota.
11. April 2010 @ 11:37
Das Interessante an der Mechanik wird halt sein, dass du bestimmte Caps je nach Laufzeit der Dots hast, um noch einen weiteren Tick zu bekommen, quasi Sweetspots. Ob das die Gearwahl wirklich einfacher macht, sei mal dahingestellt.
11. April 2010 @ 18:39
die Frage ist was passiert wenn es eben nicht für die 2.7sec reicht, sondern nur für 2.73sec
Dann wäre nach 27.3 – dann wäre der 11te Tick bei 30.03 Sekunden, also außerhalb der 30 Sekunden und dürfte danach nicht ticken – ergo sind die 9.x % haste mehr oder minder für die Katz – also die angesprochenen Sprünge