Juni 10 2010
Cataclysm Talentpreviews Schurke, Priester, Schamane und Druide
Offensichtlich zum Überbrücken für die Wartezeit bis zum Start der Beta hat Blizzard heute einen weiteren Einblick in die Talentbäume in Cataclysm gegeben. Um es vorweg zu nehmen, allzuviel ändert sich nicht im Vergleich zum geleakten Alpha Preview vor gut zwei Monaten. Neben Rogue, Priest, Shaman und Druid denke ich, dass wir bald aber auch neue Previews zu den anderen Klassen sehen werden. Mich wundert es ohnehin schon, dass Blizzard so viel auf einmal raushaut an Informationen.
Kommen wir zu den einzelnen Klassen und hier werde ich einfach die Blueposts 1:1 posten:
Quote from Blizzard staffBalance TreeTier 1 (Left to Right)
- Starlight Wrath (5 points) – Reduces the cast time of your Wrath and Starfire spells by 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 seconds.
- Genesis (5 points) – Increases the damage and healing done by your periodic spell damage, healing effects and Swiftmend by 1/2/3/4/5%.
Tier 2 (Left to Right)
- Moonglow (3 points) – Reduces the Mana cost of your Moonfire, Starfire, Starfall, Starsurge, Wrath, Healing Touch, Nourish, Regrowth and Rejuvenation spells by 3/6/9%.
- Nature’s Majesty(2 points) – Increases the critical strike chance of your Wrath, Starfire, Starfall, Nourish and Healing Touch spells by 2/4%.
- Improved Moonfire (2 points) – Increases the direct damage of your Moonfire spell by 5/10%.
Tier 3 (Left to Right)
- Nature’s Grace [TBR] (3 points) – All non-periodic spell criticals have a 33/66/100% chance to grace you with a Blessing of Nature, increasing your spell casting speed by 20% for 3 seconds.
- Solar Beam (1 point) – You summon a beam of solar light over the enemy target’s location, interrupting the enemy target and silencing all enemy targets under the beam within 10 yards while it is active. Solar Beam lasts for 12 seconds.
- Celestial Focus (3 points) – Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting Starfire, Starsurge, Hibernate and Hurricane by 23/46/70%.
- Nature’s Reach(2 points) – Increases the range of your Balance spells and Faerie Fire (Feral) ability by 10/20%, and reduces the threat generated by your Balance spells by 15/30%.
Tier 4 (Left to Right)
- Nature’s Splendor(1 point) – Increases the duration of your Moonfire and Rejuvenation spells by 3 seconds, your Regrowth spell by 6 seconds, and your Insect Swarm and Lifebloom spells by 2 seconds.
- Lunar Justice [NYI](3 points) – When you kill a target that yields experience or honor, a ray of moonlight will shine underneath the fallen enemy instantly restoring 2/4/6% of your base mana to you or the first ally who stands underneath it. Lunar Justice lasts for 15 seconds.
Tier 5 (Left to Right)
- Brambles(3 points) – Damage from your Thorns and Entangling Roots increased by 25/50/75% and damage done by your treants increased by 5/10/15%. In addition, damage from your Treants and attacks done to you while you have Barkskin active have a 5/10/15% chance to daze the target for 3 seconds.
- Starsurge(1 point) – Requires 1 point in Solar Beam – You fuse the power of the moon and sun, launching a devastating blast of energy at the target. Causes 622 to 691 Spellstorm damage to the target and knocking them down.
- Vengeance (5 points) – Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Starfire, Starfall, Moonfire, and Wrath spells by 20/40/60/80/100%.
- Dreamstate(3 points) – Regenerate mana equal to 4/7/10% of your intellect every 5 seconds, even while casting.
Tier 6 (Left to Right)
- Gale Winds(2 points) – Increases damage done by your Hurricane and Typhoon spells by 15/30%, and increases the range of your Cyclone spells by 2/4 yards.
- Lunar Guidance(3 points) – Requires 1 point in Starsurge – Increases the radius of your Solar Beam by 2/4/6 yards, and your Starsurge also instantly generates 5/10/15 Lunar or Solar energy, depending on which is greater.
- Balance of Power(2 points) – Increases your chance to hit with spells by 2/4% and increases your spell hit rating by an additional amount equal to 50/100% of your Spirit.
Tier 7 (Left to Right)
- Moonkin Form(1 point) – Shapeshift into Moonkin Form. While in this form the armor contribution from items is increased by 120%, and increases the spell critical strike chance of all nearby friendly and raid targets within 100 yards by 5%. The moonkin cannot cast healing or resurrection spells while shapeshifted. The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of Polymorph and movement impairing effects.
- Improved Moonkin Form(3 points) – Requires 1 point in Moonkin Form. You also grant 2/3/5% spell haste to all nearby friendly party and raid targets within 100 yards while in Moonkin Form.
- Euphoria (2 points) – When you critically hit with Wrath or Starfire, you instantly gain an additional 2/4 Lunar or 4/8 Solar Energy. When you reach a Solar or Lunar eclipse, you instantly are restored 6/12% of your total mana.
Tier 8 (Left to Right)
- Owlkin Frenzy (3 points) – Requires 1 point in Moonkin Form – Attacks done to you while in Moonkin form have a 5/10/15% chance to cause you to go into a Frenzy, increasing your damage by 10% and making you immune to pushback while casting Balance spells. Lasts 10 seconds.
- Wrath of Cenarius [NYI] (3 points) – While moving, the direct damage of your Moonfire spell is increased by 5% and its mana cost is reduced by 10% for 3 seconds. This effect can stack up to 3 times and lasts 3 seconds, but is refreshed as long as you are in movement. Your starfire spell gains an additional 8/12% and your Wrath gains an additional 4/6% of your bonus damage effects.
Tier 9 (Left to Right)
- Improved Eclipse [NYI] (3 points) – Increases the amount of Lunar or Solar energy generated from your Starfire and Wrath by 12%, and when critically hit by a melee or ranged attack, you will instantly generate Lunar or Solar Energy. When you critically hit with Starfire, you have a 101% chance of increasing damage done by Wrath by 0%. When you critically hit with Wrath, you have a 61% chance of increasing your critical strike chance with Starfire by 0%. Each effect lasts 15 seconds and each has a separate 30-second cooldown. Both effects cannot occur simultaneously.
- Typhoon (1 point) – Requires 1 point in Moonkin Form – You summon a violent Typhoon that does 400 Nature damage when in contact with hostile targets, knocking them back and dazing them for 6 seconds.
- Force of Nature (1 point) – Summons 3 treants to attack enemy targets for 30 seconds.
Tier 10 (Left to Right)
- Earth and Moon (3 points) – Your Wrath and Starfire spells have a 100% chance to apply the Earth and Moon effect, which increases spell damage taken by 2/5/8% for 12 seconds. Also increases your spell damage by 2/4/6%.
- Fungal Growth [NYI] (2 points) – When your Treants die or your Wild Mushrooms are triggered, you spawn a Fungal Growth at its wake covering the area within 8 yards, slowing all enemy targets by 35/70%. Lasts 10 seconds.
Tier 11 (Left to Right)
- Starfall (1 point) – Requires 1 point in Typhoon – You summon a flurry of stars from the sky on all targets within 30 yards of the caster, each dealing 303 to 348 Arcane damage. Maximum 20 stars. Lasts 10 seconds. Shapeshifting into animal form or mounting cancels the effect. Any effect which causes you to lose control of your character will suppress the starfall effect.
Feral Combat TreeTier 1 (Left to Right)
- Sharpened Claws (2 points) – Icreases the damage caused by your Claw, Rake, Mangle (Cat), Mangle (Bear), and Maul abilities by 10/20%.
- Ferocity (5 points) – Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, Rake and Mangle abilities by 1/2/3/4/5 Rage or Energy.
- Feral Aggression (5 points) – Increases the attack power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by 8/16/24/32/40% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 3/6/9/12/15%.
Tier 2 (Left to Right)
- Shredding Attacks (2 points) – Reduces the energy cost of your Shred ability by 5/10 and the rage cost of your Lacerate ability by 1/2.
- Feral Instinct [TBR] (3 points) – Increases the damage done by your Swipe ability by 10/20/30% and reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling.
- Thick Hide (3 points) – Increases your Armor contribution from cloth and leather items by 4/7/10%.
Tier 3 (Left to Right)
- Feral Swiftness (2 points) – Increases your movement speed by 15/30% in Cat Form and increases your chance to dodge while in Cat Form, Bear Form and Dire Bear Form by 2/4%.
- Predatory Instincts (3 points) – Increases the damage done by your melee critical strikes by 3/7/10%.
- Feral Charge (1 point) – Teaches Feral Charge (Bear) and Feral Charge (Cat). Feral Charge (Bear) – Causes you to charge an enemy, immobilizing and interrupting any spell being cast for 4 seconds. This ability can be used in Bear Form and Dire Bear Form. 15-second cooldown. Feral Charge (Cat) – Causes you to leap behind an enemy, dazing them for 3 seconds. 30-second cooldown.
- Improved Feral Charge [NNF] (2 points) – Increases your melee haste by 15/30% after you use Feral Charge (Bear) for 8 seconds, and Ravage will temporarly not require stealth for 3/6 seconds after you use Feral Charge (Cat).
Tier 4 (Left to Right)
- Nurturing Instinct (2 points) – Increases your healing spells by up to 35/70% of your agility, and increases healing done to you by 10/20% while in Cat Form.
- Fury Swipes (3 points) – When you auto-attack while in Cat Form or Bear Form, you have a 4/8/12% chance to gain an extra auto-attack on the same target. This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds.
- Primal Fury (2 points) – Gives you a 50/100% chance to gain an additional 5 Rage anytime you get a critical strike while in Bear and Dire Bear Form, and your critical strikes from Cat Form abilities that add combo points have a 50/100% chance to add an additional combo point.
Tier 5 (Left to Right)
- Brutal Impact (2 points) – Increases the stun duration of your Bash and Pounce abilities by 0.5/1 seconds, and decreases the cooldown of Bash by 5/10 seconds.
- Heart of the Wild (5 points) – Increases your intellect by 4/8/12/16/20%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your stamina is increased by 2/4/6/8/10%, and while in Cat Form your attack power is increased by 2/4/6/8/10%.
- Survival Instincts (1 point) – When activated, this ability temporarily grants you 30% of your maximum health for 20 seconds while in Bear Form, Cat Form, or Dire Bear Form. After the effect expires, the health is lost.
- Predatory Strikes (2 points) – Increases the critical strike chance of your Ravage by 50/25% at or above 90% health, and your finishing moves have a 10/20% chance per combo point to make your next Nature spell with a base casting time less than 10 seconds become an instant cast spell.
Tier 6 (Left to Right)
- Natural Reaction (3 points) – Increases your dodge while in Bear Form or Dire Bear Form by 2/4%, and you regenerate 1/2 rage every time you dodge while in Bear Form or Dire Bear Form.
- Endless Carnage (2 points) – Increases the duration of your Rake by 3/6 seconds and your Savage Roar and Pulverize by 3/6 seconds.
- Survival of the Fittest (3 points) – Reduces the chance you’ll be critically hit by melee attacks by 2/4/6%, and increases the contribution from cloth and leather items in Bear Form and Dire Bear Form by 11/22/33%.
Tier 7 (Left to Right)
- King of the Jungle (3 ranks) – While using your Enrage ability in Bear Form or Dire Bear Form, your damage is increased by 5/10/15%, and your Tiger’s Fury ability also instantly restores 20/40/60 energy.
- Leader of the Pack (1 point) – Requires 1 point in Heart of the Wild – While in Cat, Bear, or Dire Bear Form, Leader of the Pack increases ranged and melee critical chance of all party and raid members within 100 yards by 5%.
- Improved Leader of the Pack (2 points) – Requires 1 point in Leader of the Pack – Your Leader of the Pack ability also causes affected targets to heal themselves for 2/4% of their total health when they critically hit with melee or ranged attacks. The healing effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds. In addition, you gain 4/8% of your maximum mana when you benefit from this heal.
- Primal Tenacity (3 points) – Reduces the duration of fear effects by 10/20/30% and reduces all damage taken while stunned by 5/10/15% while in Cat Form.
Tier 8 (Left to Right)
- Protector of the Pack (3 points) – Increases your attack power by 2/4/6% and reduces the damage you take by 4/8/12%, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form.
- Infected Wounds (2 points) – Your Shred, Maul, Ravage and Mangle attacks cause an Infected Wound in the target. The infected Wound reduces the movement speed of the target by 25/50% and the attack speed by 10/20%. Lasts 12 seconds.
Tier 9 (Left to Right)
- Primal Madness [NNF] (2 points) – Tiger’s Fury and Berserk also increases your maximum energy by 6/12 during its duration, and your Enrage and Berserk abilities instantly generates 0/12 Rage.
- Mangle (1 point) – Mangle the target, inflicting damage and causing the target to take additional damage from bleed effects for 1 minute. This ability can be used in Cat Form or Dire Bear form.
- Improved Mangle (3 points) – Reduces the cooldown of your Mangle (Bear) ability by 0.5/1.0 seconds and reduces the energy cost of your Mangle (Cat) ability by 2/4.
Tier 10 (Left to Right)
- Nom Nom Nom [NNF] (2 points) – When you Ferocious Bite a target at or below 25% health, you have a 50/100% chance to instantly refresh the duration of your Rip on the target.
- Rend and Tear (5 points) – Increases damage done by your Maul and Shred attacks on bleeding targets by 4/8/12/16/20%, and increases the critical strike chance of your Ferocious Bite ability on bleeding targets by 5/10%.
- Pulverize (1 point) – Requires 5 points in Rend and Tear – Requires Dire Bear Form – Deals 100% weapon damage plus additional 786 damage for each of your Lacerate applications on the target, and increases your melee critical strike chance by 2% for each Lacerate application consumed for 10seconds.
Tier 11 (Left to Right)
- Berserk (1 point) – When activated, this ability causes your Mangle (Bear) ability to hit up to 3 targets and have no cooldown, and reduces the energy cost of all your Cat Form abilities by 50%. Lasts 15 seconds. You cannot use Tiger’s Fury while Berserk is active. Clears the effect of Fear and makes you immune to Fear for the duration.
Restoration TreeTier 1 (Left to Right)
- Blessing of the Grove (2 points) – Increases the healing done by your Rejuvenation by 2/4%, the direct damage of your Moonfire by 3/6% and the damage done by your Claw and Shred by 2/4%.
- Nature’s Focus (3 points) – Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting Healing Touch, Wrath, Entangling Roots, Cyclone, Nourish, Regrowth and Tranquility by 23/46/75%.
- Furor (5 points) – Gives you a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form, and you keep up to 20/40/60/80/100 of your energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form. In addition, your total intellect is increased while in Moonkin Form by 2/4/6/8/10%.
Tier 2 (Left to Right)
- Perseverance (5 points) – Reduces all spell damage taken by 2/4/6/8/10%.
- Subtlety [TBR] (3 points) – Reduces the threat generated by your Restoration spells by 10/20/30%.
- Natural Shapeshifter (3 points) – Reduces the mana cost of all shapeshifting by 10/20/30%.
Tier 3 (Left to Right)
- Naturalist (5 points) – Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch and Nourish spells by 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 seconds and increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 2/4/6/8/10%.
- Omen of Clarity (1 point) – Each of the druid’s damage, healing spells and auto-attacks has a chance of causing the caster to enter a Clearcasting state. The Clearcasting state reduces the mana, rage or energy cost of your next damage spell, healing spell or offensive ability by 100%.
- Master Shapeshifter (2 points) – Requires 3 points in Natural Shapeshifter – Grants an effect which lasts while the druid is within the respective shapeshift form. Bear Form – Increases physical damage by 2/4%. Cat Form – Increases critical strike chance by 2/4%. Moonkin Form – Increases spell damage by 2/4%. Tree of Life Form – Increases healing by 2/4%.
Tier 4 (Left to Right)
- Improved Rejuvenation (3 points) – Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation and Swiftmend spells by 5/10/15%.
- Tranquil Spirit (5 points) – Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch, Nourish and Tranquility spells by 2/4/6/8/10%.
Tier 5 (Left to Right)
- Nature’s Swiftness (1 point) – Requires 1 point in Naturalist – When activated, your next Nature spell with a base casting time less than 10 seconds becomes an instant cast spell.
- Improved Tranquility (2 points) – Reduces threat caused by Tranquility by 50/100% and reduces the damage you take while channeling Tranquility by 25/50%.
Tier 6 (Left to Right)
- Living Seed (3 points) – When you critically heal your target with Swiftmend, Regrowth, Nourish or Healing Touch spell you have a 33/66/100% chance to plant a Living Seed on the target for 30% of the amount healed. The Living Seed will bloom when the target is next attacked. Lasts 15 seconds.
- Nature’s Bounty [NYI] (5 points) – Requires 3 points in Improved Rejuvenation – Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 10% on targets at or below 25% health, and you have a 20% chance when you critically heal with Healing Touch and Nourish to reduce the remaining cooldown of your Swiftmend spell by 0.5 seconds. Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth and Nourish spells by 10/15/20/25%.
- Fury of a Stormrage (3 points) – You have a 5/10/15% chance when you cast Nourish or Healing Touch to cause your next Wrath spell to be instant cast and cost no mana. Fury of Stormrage lasts for 8 seconds.
Tier 7 (Left to Right)
- Swiftmend (1 point) – Requires 1 point in Nature’s Bounty [NYI] – Consumes a Rejuvenation or Regrowth effect on a friendly target to instantly heal the target for 5306.
- Empowered Touch [NYI] (2 points) – Your Healing Touch heals for 5% more on targets at or below 25% health, and your Nourish spell has a 50% chance to refresh the duration of your Lifebloom on targets. Your Healing Touch spell gains an additional 32%, and your Nourish spell gains an additional 16% of your bonus healing effects.
Tier 8 (Left to Right)
- Efflorescence [NYI] (3 points) – Requires 1 point in Living Seed – When you critically heal with your Regrowth spell you also sprout a bed of healing flora underneath the target, healing all nearby friendly targets within 15 yards who stand on them for 10/20/30% of the amount healed by your Regrowth every 1 seconds for 7 seconds. Increases your total spirit by 10/15/20/25%.
- Empowered Rejuvenation (5 points) – The bonus healing effects of your heal-over-time spells and Swiftmend is increased by 4/8/12/16/20%.
- Natural Perfection (3 points) – Critical strikes against you give you the Natural Perfection effect, reducing all damage taken by 2/3/4%. Stacks up to 3 times. Lasts 8 seconds.
Tier 9 (Left to Right)
- Revitalize (3 points) – When your Regrowth or Lifebloom heal-over-time periodic damage critically hits, you instantly regenerate 1/2/3% of your total mana. This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds.
- Tree of Life (1 point) – Requires 5 points in Empowered Rejuvenation – Shapeshift into the tree of Life, increasing healing done by 15% and increasing your armor by 240%, but reducing your movement speed by 50%. In addition, some of your spells are temporarly enhanced while shapeshifted. Lasts 45 seconds. 5-minute cooldown. Enhanced spells: Lifebloom, Wild Growth, Regrowth, Entangling Roots, Thorns, Wrath
- Improved Tree of Life (3 points) – Requires 1 point in Tree of Life – Reduces the cooldown of your Tree of Life by 30/60/90 seconds, and increases your damage done while in Tree of Life by 5/10/15%.
Tier 10 (Left to Right)
- Improved Barkskin (2 points) – Grants 80/160% additional armor contribution from cloth and leather items while in Travel Form or while not shapeshifted. In addition, the damage reduction granted by your Barkskin spell is increased by 5/10%.
- Gift of the Earthmother [NYI] (5 points) – Increases the healing done by your Tranquility on targets at or below 25% health by 4%, increases the healing done by the bloom effect of your Lifebloom by 2%, and your Rejuvenation spell also instantly heals for 3% of the total periodic effect. Increases your total spell haste by 4/6/8/10% and reduces the base cooldown of your Lifebloom spell by 4/6/8/10%.
Tier 11 (Left to Right)
- Wild Growth (1 point) – Requires 1 point in Tree of Life – Heals up to 5 friendly party or raid members within 15 yards of the target for 2905 over 6.99 seconds. The amount healed is applied quickly at first, and slows down as the Wild Growth reaches its full duration.
Quote from Blizzard staffDiscipline Talent TreeTier 1 (Left to Right)
- Unbreakable Will (5 ranks available) – Reduces the duration of stun, fear, and silence effects done to you by an additional 6/12/18/24/30%.
- Twin Disciplines (5 ranks available) – Increases the damage and healing done by your instant spells and the damage absorbed by your Power Word: Shield by 1/2/3/4/5%.
Tier 2 (Left to Right)
- Penitence (3 ranks) – Increases the critical effect chance of your Smite and Penance spells by 5/10/15%.
- Improved Inner Fire (3 ranks available) – Increases the effect of your Inner Fire spell by 15/30/45%.
- Focused Power (2 ranks avaialble) – Reduces the cast time of your Mind Control spell by 0.3/0.5 seconds, and your Mass Dispel cast time is reduced by 0.5/1 second.
- Martyrdom (2 ranks available) – Gives you a 50/100% chance to gain the Focused Casting effect that lasts for 6 seconds after being the victim of a melee or ranged critical strike. The Focused Casting effect reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting priest spells and decreases the duration of interrupt effects by 10/20%.
Tier 3 (Left to Right)
- Atonement (3 ranks) – When you deal damage with Smite, you instantly heal a nearby low-health friendly target within 40 yards equal to 15/30/45% of the damage dealt.
- Inner Focus (1 rank available) – Instant – 1.5 min cooldown – When activated, reduces the mana cost of your next spell by 100% and increases its critical effect chance by 25% if it is capable of a critical effect.
- Improved Power Word: Shield (3 ranks available) – Increase the damage absorbed by your Power Word: Shield by 5/10/15%.
Tier 4 (Left to Right)
- Evangelism (2 ranks available) – When you cast Smite you gain Evangelism, increasing the damage done by your Smite, Holy Fire, Holy Nova and Penance spells by 2/4% and reducing the mana cost of those spells by 3/6% for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.
- Mental Agility (3 ranks available) – Reduces the mana cost of your instant cast spells by 4/7/10%.
- Improved Mana Burn (2 ranks available) – Reduces the cast time of your Mana Burn spell by 0.5/1 seconds.
Tier 5 (Left to Right)
- Archangel (1 rank available) – Consumes your Evangelism effects, instantly restoring 3% of your total mana and increasing your healing done by 3% for each stack. Also allows you to channel Penance while moving. Lasts 18 seconds.
- Enlightenment (3 ranks available) – Increases your total mana and total health by 2/4/6%.
- Power Word: Barrier (1 rank available) – Requires 2 points in Improved Power Word: Shield – 13383 Mana – 40 yd range – 0.5 sec cast – 3 min cooldown – Summons a holy barrier on the target location that absorbs 293 damage done to party or raid members within it each time they take damage. While within the barrier, spellcasting will not be interrupted by damage. The barrier lasts for 15 seconds or until it absorbs 1955 damage.
Tier 6 (Left to Right)
- Reflective Shield (2 ranks available) – Causes 22/45%% of the damage you absorb with Power Word: Shield to reflect back at the attacker. This damage causes no threat.
- Soul Warding (3 ranks available) – Requires 1 point in Power Word: Barrier – Reduces the cooldown of your Power Word: Shield ability by 1/2/3 seconds, and reduces the mana cost or your Power Word: Shield by 5/10/15%.
Tier 7 (Left to Right)
- Divine Aegis (3 ranks available) – Critical heals create a protective shield on the target, absorbing 10/20/30% of the amount healed. Lasts 12 seconds.
- Power Infusion (1 rank available) – Requires 2 points in Enlightenment – 3294 Mana – 30 yd range – Instant cast – 2 min cooldown – Infuses the target with power, increasing spell casting speed by 20% and reducing the mana cost of all spells by 20%. Lasts 15 seconds.
- Improved Flash Heal (3 ranks available) – Reduces the mana cost of your Flash Heal by 5/10/15% and increases the critical effect chance of your Flash Heal by 4/7/10% on friendly targets at or below 50% health.
Tier 8 (Left to Right)
- Renewed Hope (2 ranks available) – Increases the critical effect chance of your Flash Heal, Greater Heal and Penance (Heal) spells by 2/4% on targets afflicted by the Weakened Soul effect, and you have a 50/100% chance to reduce all damage taken by 3% for 1 minute to all friendly party and raid targets when you cast Power Word: Shield. This effect has a 15-second cooldown.
- Rapture (3 ranks available) – When your Power Word: Shield is completely absorbed or dispelled, you are instantly energized with 1.5/2/2.5% of your total mana, and you have a 33/66/100% chance to energize your shielded target with 2% total mana, 8 rage, 16 energy or 32 runic power. This effect can only occur once every 12 seconds.
- Aspiration (2 ranks available) – Reduces the cooldown of your Inner Focus, Power Infusion, Pain Suppression and Penance spells by 10/20%.
Tier 9 (Left to Right)
- Focused Will (3 ranks available) – After taking a critical hit you gain the Focused Will effect, reducing all damage taken by 2/3/4% and increasing healing effects on you by 3/4/5%. Stacks up to 3 times. Lasts 8 seconds.
- Pain Suppression (1 rank available) – 1647 Mana – 40 yd range – Instant cast – 3 min cooldown -Instantly reduces a friendly target’s threat by 5%, reduces all damage taken by 40% and increases resistance to Dispel mechanics by 65% for 8 seconds.
- Grace (2 ranks available) – Your Flash Heal, Greater Heal, and Penance spells bless the target with Grace, increasing all healing received from the Priest by 2/4%. This effect will stack up to 3 times. Effect lasts 15 seconds. Grace can only be active on one target at a time.
Tier 10
- Borrowed Time (5 ranks available) – Grants 5/10/15/20/25% spell haste for your next spell after casting Power Word: Shield, and increases the amount absorbed by your Power Word: Shield equal to 4/8/12/16/20% of your spell power.
Tier 11
- Penance (1 rank available) – Enemy: 30 yd range – Friendly: 40 yd range – 3294 Mana – Channeled – 12 sec cooldown – Launches a volley of holy light at the target, causing 394 to 439 Holy damage to an enemy, or 1201 to 1354 healing to an ally instantly and every 1 second for 2 seconds.
Holy Talent TreeTier 1 (Left to Right)
- Holy Focus (2 ranks available) – Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting any Holy spell by 35/70%.
- Searing Light (3 tanks available) – Increases the damage of your Smite, Holy Fire, Holy Nova and Penance spells by 4/8/12%.
- Divine Fury (5 ranks available) – Reduces the cast time of your Smite, Holy Fire, Heal and Greater Heal spells by 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 seconds.
Tier 2 (Left to Right)
- Divine Accuracy (2 ranks available) – Increases the chance to hit with your Smite, Holy Fire, Holy Nova and Penance spells by 10/20%.
- Empowered Healing (5 ranks available) – Your Greater Heal spell gains an additional 6/12/18/24/30% and your Flash Heal, Heal, and Binding Heal gain an additional 3/6/9/12/15% of your bonus healing effects.
- Spell Warding (5 ranks available) – Reduces all spell damage taken by 2/4/6/8/10%.
Tier 3 (Left to Right)
- Desperate Prayer (1 rank available) – 3706 Mana – Instant cast – 2 min cooldown – Instantly heals the caster for 4995 to 5876.
- Improved Renew (3 ranks available) – Increases the amount healed by your Renew spell by 5/10/15%.
- Inspiration (3 ranks available) – Reduces your target’s physical damage taken by 3/7/10% for 15 seconds after getting a critical effect from your Flash Heal, Heal, Greater Heal, Binding Heal, Prayer of Healing, or Circle of Healing spell.
Tier 4 (Left to Right)
- Healing Prayers (2 ranks available) – Reduces the mana cost of your Prayer of Healing and Prayer of Mending by 10/20%.
- Improved Healing (3 ranks avaialble) – Reduces the mana cost of your Lesser Heal, Heal, Greater Heal, Divine Hymn and Penance spells by 5/10/15%.
- Blessed Recovery (3 ranks available) – Requires 1 point in Spell Warding – After being struck by a melee or ranged critical hit, Blessed Recovery heals you for 5% of the damage taken over 6 seconds. Additional critical hits taken during the effect increase the healing received.
Tier 5 (Left to Right)
- Holy Reach (2 ranks available) – Increase the range or your Smite and Holy Fire spells and the radius of your Prayer of Healing, Holy Nova, Divine Hymn and Circle of Healing by 10/20%.
- Spirit of Redemption (1 rank available) – Increases total Spirit by 5% and upon death, the priest becomes the Spirit of Redemption for 15 seconds. The Spirit of Redemption cannot move, attack, be attacked or targeted by any spells or effects. While in the form the priest can cast any healing spell free of cost. When the effect ends, the priest dies.
- Deliverance [PH] (3 ranks available) – When you heal with Binding Heal or Flash Heal, the cast time of your next Greater Heal or Prayer of Healing spell is reduced by 3/6/9%. Stacks up to 3 times. Lasts 20 seconds. **PH. Will likely need to be replaced or updated**
Tier 6 (Left to Right)
- Surge of Light (2 ranks available) – Your spell critical strikes have a 25% chance to cause your next Smite or Flash Heal spell to be instant cast, cost no mana but be incapable of a critical hit. This effect lasts 10 seconds.
- Holy Concentration (3 ranks available) – Your mana regeneration from spirit is increased by 16/32/50% for 8 seconds after your critically heal with Flash Heal, Greater Heal, Binding Heal or Empowered Renew.
Tier 7 (Left to Right)
- Choir Leader [PH] (2 ranks available) – Your Divine Hymn also heals you for 10/20% of your total health during its duration, and the channel time of your Hymn of Hope is reduced by 10/20%. **PH Name. Will likely need to be replaced or updated.**
- Lightwell (1 rank available) – 6177 Mana – 40 yd range – 0.5 sec cast – 3 min cooldown – Creates a Holy Lightwell. Friendly players can click the Lightwell to restore 8634 health over 6 seconds. Attacks done to you equal to 30% of your total health will cancel the effect. Lightwell lasts for 3 min or 10 charges.
- Blessed Resilience (3 ranks avaialble) – Critical hits made against you have a 20/40/60% chance to prevent you from being critically hit again for 6 seconds.
- Improved Holy Nova (2 ranks available) – Reduces the global cooldown of your Holy Nova spell by 0.25/0.5 sec., and increases its critical effect chance by 25/50%.
Tier 8 (Left to Right)
- Body and Soul (2 ranks available) – When you cast Power Word: Shield or Leap of Faith, you increase the targets’s movement speed by 30% for 4 seconds, and you have a 50% chance when you cast Cure Disease on yourself to also cleanse 1 poison effect in addition to diseases.
- Chakra [NYI] (5 ranks available) – When you use Prayer of Healing, Renew or Heal 3 times in a row you will enter a Chakra state empowering you for 20 seconds. You can only be in one Chakra state at a time. Prayer of Healing – Increases your area-of-effect healing by 2/4/6/8/10%, and reduces the cooldown of your Circle of Healing by .5/1/1.5/2/2.5 seconds. Renew – Increases the periodic haste effect of your Renew spell by 3/6/9/12/15% and reduces the global cooldown of your Renew spell by .1/.2/.3/.4/.5 seconds. Heal – Increases the critical effect chance of your Heal spell by 1/2/3/4/5%, and your Heal has a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to refresh the duration of your Renew on the target. Smite – Increase your total damage done by Shadow and Holy spells by 4/8/12%. Starting at Rank 2 – Increases spell power by 10% of your total spirit. Rank 3 changes the talent to Spiritual Guidance – Increases spell power by 15/20/25% of your total spirit. * NYI. See the descriptions above.**
- Thriving Light [NYI] (2 ranks available) – Reduces the duration of Wound effects on you by 15/30%, and reduces the damage taken by bleed effects by 10/20%.
Tier 9 (Left to Right)
- Empowered Renew (3 ranks available) – Your Renew spell gains an additional 5/10/15% of your bonus healing effects, and your Renew will instantly heal the target for 5/10/15% of the total periodic effect.
- Circle of Healing (1 rank available) – 10706 Mana – 40 yd range – Instant cast – 10 sec cooldown – Heals up to 5 friendly party or raid members within 16 yards of the target for 1813 to 2000.
- Test of Faith (3 ranks available) – Increase healing by 4/8/12% on friendly targets at or below 50% health.
Tier 10
- Divine Providence (5 ranks available) – Increases the amount healed by Circle of Healing, Binding Heal, Holy Nova, Prayer of Healing, Divine Hymn and Prayer of Mending by 2/4/6/8/10%, and reduces the cooldown of your Prayer of Mending by 6/12/18/24/30%.
Tier 11
- Guardian Spirit (1 rank available) – 1235 Mana – 40 yd range – Instant cast – 3 min cooldown – Calls upon a guardian spirit to watch over the friendly target. The spirit increases the healing received by the target by 40%, and also prevents the target from dying by sacrificing itself. This sacrifice terminates the effect but heals the target of for 50% of their maximum health. Lasts 10 seconds.
Shadow Talent TreeTier 1 (Left to Right)
- Dark Thoughts (2 ranks available) – Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting any Shadow spell by 35/70%.
- Improved Spirit Tap (2 ranks available) – Requires 3 points in Spirit Tap – Your Mind Blast and Shadow Word: Death critical strikes have a 100% chance, and your Mind Flay critical strikes have a 50/100% chance to increase your total spirit by 5/10%. For the duration, your mana will regenerate at a 17/33% rate while casting. Lasts 8 seconds.
- Darkness (5 ranks available) – Increases your Shadow spell damage by 2/4/6/8/10%.
Tier 2 (Left to Right)
- Shadow Affinity (3 ranks available) – Reduces the threat generated by your Shadow spells by 8/16/25%, and you receive 5/10/15% of your base mana when your Shadow Word: Pain or Vampiric Touch spells are dispelled.
- Improved Shadow Word: Pain (2 ranks available) – Increased the damage of your Shadow Word: Pain spell by 3/6%.
- Shadow Weaving (3 ranks available) – Your Shadow damage spells have a 33/66/100% chance to increase the Shadow damage you deal by 2% for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.
Tier 3 (Left to Right)
- Improved Psychic Scream (2 ranks available) – Reduces the cooldown of your Psychic Scream spell by 2/4 seconds.
- Improved Mind Blast (5 ranks available) – Reduces the cooldown of your Mind Blast spell by 0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5 seconds, and while in Shadowform your Mind Blast also has a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to reduce all healing done to the target by 25% for 10 seconds.
- Mind Flay (1 rank available) – 1853 Mana – 30 yd range – Channeled – Assault the target’s mind with Shadow energy, causing 501 Shadow damage over 3 seconds and slowing their movement speed by 50%.
Tier 4 (Left to Right)
- Veiled Shadows (2 ranks available) – Decreases the cooldown of your Fade ability by 3/6 seconds and reduces the cooldown of your Shadowfiend ability by 1/2 minutes.
- Shadow Reach (2 ranks available) – Increase the range of your offensive Shadow spells by 10/20%.
- Empowered Shadow Orbs [PH] [NYI] (3 ranks available) – Increases the damage done by your Shadow Orbs by 2/4/6%, and you have a h/h/h% chance to gain a Shadow Orb when critically hit by any attack. **PH & NYI. Will likely need to be replaced or updated**
Tier 5 (Left to Right)
- Silence (1 rank available) – Requires 2 points in Improved Psychic Scream – 225 Mana – 33 yd range – Instant cast – 45 sec cooldown – Silences the target, preventing them from casting spells for 5 seconds. Non-player victim spellcasting is also interrupted for 3 seconds.
- Vampiric Embrace (1 rank available) – Instant – Fills you with the embrace of Shadow energy, causing you to be healed for 15% and other party members to be healed for 3% for any single-target Shadow spell damage you deal for 30 minutes.
- Improved Vampiric Embrace (2 ranks available) – Requires 1 point in Vampiric Embrace – Increase the healing received from Vampiric Embrace by 33/67%.
- Focused Mind (3 ranks available) – Reduces the mana cost of your Mind Blast, Mind Control, Mind Flay and Mind Sear spells by 5/10/15%.
Tier 6 (Left to Right)
- Mind Melt [NYI] (2 ranks available) – Increases the additional damage done with your Shadow Word: Death by 5/10% on targets at or below 25% health, and and when you deal damage with Mind Spike, the cast time of your next Mind Blast is reduced by 11/33% lasting 6 seconds. Mind Melt can stack up to 3 times. **NYI. Will likely need to be replaced or updated. Also removed duplicate word**
- Improved Devouring Plague (3 ranks available) – Increase the periodic damage done by your Devouring Plague by 5/10/15%, and when you cast Devouring Plague you instantly deal damage equal to 10/20/30% of its total periodic effect.
Tier 7 (Left to Right)
- Shadowform (1 rank available) – 2676 Mana – Instant cast – 1.5 sec cooldown -Assume a Shadowform, increasing your Shadow damage by 15%, reducing all damage done to you by 15%. However, you may not cast Holy spells while in this form.
- Shadow Power (5 ranks available) – Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Mind Blast, Mind Flay, and Shadow Word: Death spells by 20/40/60/80/100%.
Tier 8 (Left to Right)
- Improved Shadowform (2 ranks available) – Requires 1 point in Shadowform – Your Fade ability now has a 50/100% chance to remove all movement impairing effects when used while in Shadowform, and reduces casting or channeling time lost when damaged by 35/70% when casting any Shadow spell while in Shadowform. In addition, spell haste for all nearby party and raid members is increased by 5%.
- Shadowy Apparition [PH] [NYI] (3 ranks available) – While moving or dealing damage with your Shadow Word: Pain, you will sometimes summon a Shadow version of yourself which will slowly move towards a target which is afflicted by your Shadow Word: Pain. Once reaching that target, it will instantly deal damage equal to 15/30/45% of your Mind Blast’s damage. **PH & NYI. Will likely need to be replaced or updated**
Tier 9 (Left to Right)
- Psychic Horror (1 rank available) – 3294 Mana – 33 yd range – Instant cast – 2 min cooldown – You terrify the target, causing them to tremble in horror for 3 seconds and drop their main hand and ranged weapons for 10 seconds.
- Vampiric Touch (1 rank available) – Requires 1 point in Shadowform – 3294 Mana – 33 yd range – 1.5 sec cast – Causes 1000 Shadow damage over 15 seconds to your target and causes up to 10 party or raid members to gain 1% of their maximum mana per 5 seconds when you deal damage from Mind Blast. In addition, if the Vampiric Touch is dispelled it will cause 1600 damage to the afflicted target.
- Pain and Suffering (3 ranks available) – Your Mind Flay has a 33/66/100% chance to refresh the duration of your Shadow Word: Pain on the target, and reduces the damage you take from your own Shadow Word: Death by 10/20/30%.
Tier 10
- Twisted Faith (5 ranks available) – Your damage done by your Mind Flay and Mind Blast is increased by 2/4/6/8/10% if your target is afflicted by your Shadow Word: Pain, and increases your spell hit rating by an additional amount equal to 4/8/12/16/20% of your spirit.
Tier 11
Dispersion (1 rank available) – Requires 1 point in Vampiric Touch – Instant – 2 min cooldown – You disperse into pure Shadow energy, reducing all damage taken by 90%. You are unable to attack or cast spells, but you regenerate 6% mana every 1 second for 6 seconds. Dispersion can be cast while stunned, feared or silenced and clears all snare and movement impairing effects when cast, and makes you immune to them while dispersed.
Schurke / Rogue
Quote from Blizzard staffAssassination TreeTier 1 (Left to Right)
- Improved Eviscerate (3 points) – Increases the damage done by your Eviscerate ability by 7/14/20%.
- Remorseless Attacks (2 points) – After killing an opponent that yields experience or honor, you receive a 20/40% increased critical strike chance on your next ability. Lasts 20 seconds.
- Malice (5 points) – Increases your critical strike chance by 1/2/3/4/5%.
Tier 2 (Left to Right)
- Ruthlessness (3 points) – Gives your melee finishing moves a 20/40/60% chance to add a combo point to your target.
- Deadly Momentum (2 points) – Requires 2 points in Remorseless Attacks – After killing an opponent that yields experience or honor, Deadly Momentum gives you a 50/100% chance to refresh your Slice and Dice or Recuperate abilities to their original duration.
- Blackjack (2 points) – Even after your Sap wears off, its effects linger on enemies, reducing their damage done by 25/50% for 5 seconds.
Tier 3 (Left to Right)
- Puncturing Wounds (3 points) – Increases the critical strike chance of your Backstab ability by 10/20/30%, and the critical strike chance of your Mutilate ability by 5/10/15%.
- Vigor (1 point) – Increases your maximum Energy by 10.
- Lethality (5 points) – Requires 5 points in Malice – Increases the critical strike damage bonus of all combo point-generating abilities that do not require Stealth by 6/12/18/24/30%.
Tier 4 (Left to Right)
- Vile Poisons (3 points) – Increases the damage dealt by your poisons and Envenom ability by 7/14/20% and gives you 33/67/100% of the normal chance of applying poisons from your equipped melee weapons when you use the Fan of Knives ability.
- Improved Poisons (5 points) – Increases the chance to apply Deadly Poison to your target by 4/8/12/16/20% and the frequency of applying Instant Poison to your target by 10/20/30/40/50%.
Tier 5 (Left to Right)
- Fleet Footed (2 points) – Reduces the duration of all movement impairing effects by 15/30% and increases your movement speed by 8/15%. This does not stack with other movement speed increasing effects.
- Cold Blood (1 point) – Instant – 2 min cooldown – When activated, generates 25 energy and increases the critical strike chance of your next offensive ability by 100%.
- Improved Kidney Shot (3 points) – While affected by your Kidney Shot ability, the target receives an additional 3/6/9% damage from all sources.
- Quick Recovery (2 points) – All healing effects on your are increased by 10/20%.
Tier 6 (Left to Right)
- Seal Fate (5 points) – Requires 1 point in Cold Blood – Your critical strikes from abilities that add combo points have a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to add an additional combo point.
- Deadened Nerves (3 points) – Reduces all damage taken by 2/4/6%.
Tier 7 (Left to Right)
- Deadly Brew (2 points) – When you apply Instant, Wound or Mind-Numbing Poison to a target, you have a 50/100% chance to apply Crippling Poison.
- Overkill (1 point) – While Stealthed, and for 20 seconds after breaking stealth, you regenerate 30 additional energy.
- Improved Expose Armor (3 points) – Gives a 33/67/100% chance to refund all combo points used when performing your Expose Armor ability.
Tier 8 (Left to Right)
- Focused Attacks (3 points) – Your melee critical strikes have a 33/66/100% chance to give you 2 energy.
- Murderous Intent (3 points) – When you Backstab an enemy that is at or below 35% health, you instantly recover 10/20/30 Energy.
Tier 9 (Left to Right)
- Master Poisoner (3 points) – Increases the spell damage taken by any target you have poisoned by 2/5/8%, your Envenom has a 33/66/100% chance not to consume Deadly Poison, and the duration of all poison effects applied to you is reduced by 17/34/50%.
- Mutilate (1 point) – Requires 1 point in Overkill – 60 Energy – Melee Range – Instant – Requires Daggers – Instantly attacks with both weapons for 100% weapon damage plus an additional 215 with each weapon. Damage is increased by 20% against poisoned targets. Awards 2 combo points.
- Turn the Tables (3 points) – Whenever anyone in your party or raid blocks, dodges, or parries an attack, your chance to critically hit with all combo point-generating abilities is increased by 2/4/6% for 8 seconds.
Tier 10 (Left to Right)
- Cut to the Chase (5 points) – Your Eviscerate and Envenom abilities have a 20/50/60/80/100% chance to refresh your Slice and Dice duration to its 5 combo point maximum.
- Venomous Wounds (3 points) – Each time your Rupture or Garrote deals damage to an enemy that is afflicted with your poison, you have a 15/30/45% chance to deal with 616/619/621 additional Nature damage.
Tier 11
- Vendetta (1 Point) – Marks an enemy for death, increasing all damage you deal to the target by 20% and granting you unerring vision of your target, regardless of concealments such as Stealth and Invisibility. Lasts 30 seconds.
Combat Talent TreeTier 1 (Left to Right)
- Improved Sinister Strike (5 points) – Increases the damage dealt by your Sinister Strike ability by 1/2/3/4/5% and reduces its Energy cost by 1/2/3/4/5.
- Dual Wield Specialization (5 points) – Increases the damage done by your offhand weapon by 10/20/30/40/50%.
Tier 2 (Left to Right)
- Improved Recuperate (2 points) – Causes your Recuperate ability to restore an additional 1/2% of your maximum health.
- Deflection (3 points) – Increases your parry chance by 2/4/6%.
- Precision (5 points) – Increases your chance to hit with weapon and poison attacks by 1/2/3/4/5%.
Tier 3 (Left to Right)
- Endurance (2 points) – Reduces the cooldown of your Sprint and Evasion abilities by 30/60 seconds and increases your total Stamina by 2/4%.
- Riposte (1 point) – 10 Energy – Melee Range – Instant – 6 sec cooldown – A strike that becomes active after parrying an opponent’s attack. This attack deals 153 to 154% weapon damage and slows their melee attack speed by 20% for 30 seconds. Awards 1 combo point.
- Aggression (5 points) – Increases the damage of your Sinister Strike, Backstab and Eviscerate abilities by 3/6/9/12/15%.
Tier 4 (Left to Right)
- Improved Slice and Dice (2 points) – Increases the duration of your Slice and Dice ability by 25/50%.
- Improved Sprint (2 points) – Gives a 50/100% chance to remove all movement impairing effects when you activate your Sprint ability.
- Lightning Reflexes (3 points) – Increases your dodge chance by 2/4/6% and gives you 4/7/10% melee haste.
Tier 5 (Left to Right)
- Blade Furry (1 point) – 25 Energy – Instant – 2 min cooldown – Increases your attack speed by 20%. In addition, attacks strike an additional nearby opponent. Lasts 15 seconds.
- Reinforced Leather (5 points) – Increases your armor contribution from cloth and leather items by 10/20/30/40/50%.
Tier 6 (Left to Right)
- Improved Kick (2 points) – Gives your Kick ability a 50/100% chance to silence the target for 2 seconds.
- Weapon Expertise (2 points) – Requires 1 point in Blade Flurry – Increases your expertise by 5/10.
- Blade Twisting (2 points) – Gives your damaging melee attacks a 10% chance to Daze the target for 4/8 seconds.
Tier 7 (Left to Right)
- Vitality (3 points) – Increases your energy regeneration rate by 8/16/25%.
- Adrenaline Rush (1 point) – Instant – 3 min cooldown – Increases your energy regeneration rate by 100% for 15 seconds.
- Nerves of Steel (2 points) – Reduces damage taken while affected by stun and fear effects by 15/30%.
- Improved Gouge (3 points) – Increases the effect duration of your Gouge ability by 0.5/1/1.5 seconds.
Tier 8 (Left to Right)
- Throwing Specialization (2 points) – Increases the range of Throw and Deadly Throw by 2/5 yards and gives your Deadly Throw a 50/100% chance to interrupt the target for 3 seconds.
- Combat Potency (3 points) – Gives your successful off-hand melee attacks a 20% chance to generate 5/10/15 energy.
Tier 9 (Left to Right)
- Unfair Advantage (2 points) – Whenever you dodge an attack you gain an Unfair Advantage, striking back for 53/106 to 54/107% of your main hand weapons’s damage. This cannot occur more than once per second.
- Surprise Attacks (1 point) – Requires 1 point in Adrenaline Rush – Your finishing moves can no longer be dodged, and the damage dealt by your Sinister Strike, Backstab, Shiv, Hemorrhage and Gouge abilities is increased by 10%.
- Savage Combat (2 points) – Increases your total attack power by 2/4% and all physical damage caused to enemies you have poisoned is increased by 2/4%.
- Sturdy Recuperation (2 points) – Reduces all damage taken by 4/8% while your Recuperate ability is active.
Tier 10 (Left to Right)
- Prey on the Weak (5 points) – Your critical strike damage is increased by 4/8/12/16/20% when the target has less health than you (as percentage of total health).
- Restless Blades ( 3 points) – Your damage finishing moves reduce the cooldown of your Blade Flurry, Killing Spree, and Sprint abilities by 0.5/1/1.5 second per combo point.
Tier 11
- Killing Spree (1 point) – 10 yd range – Instant – 2 min cooldown – Requires Melee Weapon – Step through the shadow from enemy to enemy within 10 yards, attacking an enemy every .5 seconds with both weapons until 5 assaults are made, and increasing all damage done by 20% for the duration. Can hit the same target multiple times. Cannot hit Invisible or Stealth targets.
Subtlety TreeTier 1 (Left to Right)
- Relentless Strikes (5 ranks available) – Your finishing moves have a 4/8/12/16/20% chance per combo point to restore 25 energy.
- Camouflage (3 ranks available) – Increases your speed while stealthed by 5/10/15% and reduces the cooldown of your Stealthy ability by 2/4/6 seconds.
- Improved Ambush (2 ranks available) – Increases the critical strike chance of your Ambush by 25/50%.
Tier 2 (Left to Right)
- Sleight of Hand (2 ranks available) – Reduces the chance you are critically hit by melee and ranged attacks by 1/2% and increases the threat reduction of your Feint ability by 10/20%.
- Dirty Tricks (2 ranks available) – Increases the range of your Blind and Sap abilities by 2/5 yards and reduces the energy cost of your Blind and Sap ability by 25/50%.
- Opportunity (3 ranks available) – Increases the damage dealt with your Backstab, Mutilate, Garrote, and Ambush abilities by 10/20/30%.
Tier 3 (Left to Right)
- Setup (3 ranks available) – Gives you a 33/66/100% chance to add a combo point to your target after dodging their attack or fully resisting one of their spells. This cannot happen more than once per second.
- Hemorrhage (1 rank available) – 35 Energy – Melee Range – Instant – Requires Melee Weapon – An instant strike that deals 118 to 119% weapon damage (171% if a dagger is equipped) and causes the target to take 30% additional damage from bleed effects for 15 seconds. Awards 1 combo point.
- Initiative (3 ranks available) – Gives you a 33/66/100% chance to add an additional combo point to your target when using your Ambush, Garrote, or Cheap Shot abilities.
Tier 4 (Left to Right)
- Elusiveness (2 ranks available) – Reduces the cooldown of your Vanish and Blind abilities by 30/60 seconds and your Cloak of Shadows ability by 15/30 seconds.
- Dagger Specialization (5 ranks available) – Requires 3 points in Opportunity – Increases your chance to get a critical strike with daggers by 1/2/3/4/5%.
- Energetic Recovery [NYI] (3 ranks available) – Empowers your Recuperate ability, causing its periodic effect to also restore 1/2/3 energy.
Tier 5 (Left to Right)
- Heightened Senses (2 ranks available) – Reduces the chance you are hit by spells and ranged attacks by 2/4%.
- Preparation (1 rank available) – Instant – 8 min cooldown – When activated, this ability immediately finished the cooldown on your Evasion, Sprint, Vanish, Cold Blood and Shadowstep abilities.
- Dirty Deeds (2 ranks available) – Reduces the Energy cost of your Cheap Shot and Garrote abilities by 10/20. Additionally, your special abilities cause 10/20% more damage against targets below 35% health.
Tier 6 (Left to Right)
- Master of Subtlety (3 ranks available) – Attacks made while Stealthed and for 6 seconds after breaking Stealth cause an additional 4/7/10% damage.
- Deadliness (5 ranks available) – Increases your attack power by 2/4/6/8/10%.
Tier 7 (Left to Right)
- Enveloping Shadows (3 ranks available) – Reduces the damage taken by area-of-effect attacks by 10/20/30% and increases the duration of your Feint ability by 1/2/3 seconds.
- Premeditation (1 rank available) – Requires 1 point in Preparation – 30 yd range – Instant – 20 sec cooldown – Requires Stealth – When used, adds 2 combo points to your target. You must add to or use those combo points within 20 seconds or the combo points are lost.
- Blood Spatter (2 ranks available) – Increases the damage caused by your Garrote and Rupture abilities by 15/30%.
- Cheat Death (3 ranks available) – You have a 33/66/100% chance that an attack which would otherwise kill you will instead reduce you to 10% of your maximum health. In addition, all damage taken will be reduced by up to 9% for 3 seconds (modified by resilience). This effect cannot occur more than once per minute.
Tier 8 (Left to Right)
- Waylay (2 ranks available) – Your Ambush and Backstab hits have a 50/100% chance to unbalance a target, increasing the time between their melee and ranged attacks by 20%, and reducing movement speed by 50% for 8 seconds.
- Sinister Calling (5 ranks available) – Requires 1 point in Premeditation – Increases your total agility by 3/6/9/12/15% and increases the percentage damage bonus of Backstab and Hemorrhage by an additional 2/4/6/8/10%.
Tier 9 (Left to Right)
- Honor Among Thieves (3 ranks available) – Increases the ranged and melee critical hit chance of all party and raid members by 5%. When any player in your party or raid critically hits with a ranged or melee ability, you have a 33/66/100% chance to gain a combo point on your current target. This effect cannot occur more than once every 4/3/2 seconds.
- Shadowstep (1 rank available) – 10 Energy – 25 yd range – Instant – 30 sec cooldown – Allows you to attempt to step through the shadow and reappear behind your enemy and increases movement speed by 70% for 3 seconds. The damage of your next ability is increased by 20% and the threat caused is reduced by 50%. Lasts 10 seconds.
- Sanguinary Vein (3 ranks available) – Requires 2 points in Blood Spatter – Increases your damage dealt to targets with a bleed effect on them by 2/4/6%.
- Filthy Tricks (2 ranks available) – Reduces the cooldown by 5/10 seconds and energy cost by 5/10 of your Tricks of the Trade, Distract and Shadowstep abilities, and reduces the cooldown of Preparation by 1.5/3 minutes.
Tier 10 (Left to Right)
- Slaughter from the Shadows (5 ranks available) – Reduces the energy cost of your Backstab and Ambush abilities by 4/8/12/16/20, and the energy cost of your Hemorrhage ability by 1/2/3/4/5.
- Serrated Blades (3 ranks available) – Your Eviscerate has a 4/8/12% chance per combo point to refresh your Rupture on the target to its original duration.
Tier 11
Schamane / Shaman
Quote from Blizzard staffElemental Talent TreeTier 1 (Left to Right)
- Convection (5 ranks available) – Reduces the mana cost of your shock, Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Lava Burst, and Wind Shear spells by 2/4/6/8/10%.
- Concussion (5 ranks available) – Increases the damage done by your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Thunderstorm, Lava Burst and shock spells by 1/2/3/4/5%.
Tier 2 (Left to Right)
- Call of Flame (3 ranks available) – Increases the damage done by your Fire Totems and Fire Nova by 5/10/15% and damage done by your Lava Burst spell by 2/4/6%.
- Elemental Warding (3 ranks available) – Reduces all damage taken by 2/4/6%.
- Elemental Devastation (3 ranks available) – Your non-periodic offensive spell critical strikes will increase your chance to get a critical strike with melee attacks by 3/6/9% for 10 seconds.
Tier 3 (Left to Right)
- Reverberation (5 ranks available) – Reduces the cooldown of your shock spells and Wind Shear by 0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8/1 seconds.
- Elemental Focus (1 rank available) – After landing a non-periodic critical strike with a Fire, Frost, or Nature damage spell, you enter a Clearcasting state. The Clearcasting state reduces the mana cost of your next 2 damage or healing spells by 40%.
- Elemental Fury (5 ranks available) – Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Searing and Magma Totems and your Fire, Frost and Nature spells by 20/40/60/80/100%.
Tier 4 (Left to Right)
- Improved Fire Nova (2 ranks available) – Increases the damage done by your Fire Nova by 10/20% and reduces the cooldown by 2/4 seconds.
- Eye of the Storm (3 ranks available) – Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Lava Burst and Hex spells by 23/46/70%.
Tier 5 (Left to Right)
- Elemental Reach (2 ranks available) – Increases the range of your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Fire Nova, and Lava Burst spells by 3/6 yards, increases the radius of your Thunderstorm spell by 10/20%, and increases the range of your Flame Shock by 7/15 yards.
- Elemental Mastery (1 rank available) – Requires 1 point in Elemental Focus – Instant – 3 min cooldown – When activated, your next Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning or Lava Burst spell becomes an instant cast spell. In addition, you gain 15% spell haste for 15 seconds. Elemental Mastery shares a cooldown with Nature’s Swiftness.
- Unrelenting Storm (3 ranks available) – Regenerate mana equal to 4/8/12% of your intellect every 5 seconds, even while casting.
Tier 6 (Left to Right)
- Elemental Precision (3 ranks available) – Increases your chance to hit with Fire, Frost and Nature spells by 1/2/3% and increases your spell hit rating by an additional amount equal to 33/66/100% of your spirit.
- Lightning Mastery (5 ranks available) – Requires 5 points in Elemental Fury – Reduces the cast time of your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst spells by 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 seconds.
Tier 7 (Left to Right)
- Storm, Earth and Fire (3 ranks available) – Reduces the cooldown of our Chain Lighting spell by .75/1.5/2.5 seconds. In addition, your Earthbind Totem has a 33/66/100% chance to root targets for 5 seconds when cast, and the periodic damage done by your Flame Shock is increased by 20/40/60%.
- Elemental Oath (2 ranks available) – Requires 1 point in Elemental Mastery – While Clearcasting from Elemental Focus is active, you deal 5/10% more spell damage. In addition, party and raid members within 100 yards receive a 3/5% bonus to their critical strike chance.
- Wrathful Totems [PH] (1 rank available) – Causes your Fire totems to increase the spell power of your party and raid memebers within 100 yards by 10%.
Tier 8 (Left to Right)
- Booming Echoes (2 ranks available) – Reduces the cooldown of your Flame Shock and Frost Shock spells by an additional 1/2 seconds, and increases the direct damage done by your Flame Shock and Frost spells by an additional 10/20%.
- Acute Overload (3 ranks available) – Increases the damage dealt by your Elemental Overload spells by 7/14/20%.
Tier 9 (Left to Right)
- Astral Shift (3 ranks available) – When stunned, feared or silenced you shift into the Astral Plane, reducing all damage taken by 10/20/30% for the duration of the stun, fear or silence effect.
- Earthquake (1 rank available) – 20149 Mana – 35 yd range – 1.5 sec cast – 15 sec cooldown – You cause the earth at the target location to tremble and break, dealing 267 Physical damage every 1 second to enemies within a 10-yard radius, with a 40% chance of knocking down affected targets. Lasts 10 seconds.
- Lava Flows (3 ranks available) – Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Lava Burst spells by an additional 6/12/24%, and when your Flame Shock is dispelled your spell casting speed is increased by 10/20/30% for 6 seconds.
Tier 10 (Left to Right)
- Shamanism (5 ranks available) – Your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells gain an additional 4/8/12/16/20% and your Lava Burst gains an additional 5/10/15/20/25% of your bonus damage effects.
- Lava Surge (3 ranks available) – Gives your Flame Shock periodic damage ticks a 10/20/30% chance to reset the cooldown of your Lava Burst spell.
Tier 11
- Thunderstorm (1 rank available) – Instant – 45 sec cooldown – You call down a bolt of lightning, energizing you and damaging nearby enemies within 11 yards. Restores 8% mana to you and deals 1794 to 2038 Nature damage to all nearby enemies, knocking them back 20 yards. This spell is usable while stunned.
Enhancement Talent TreeTier 1 (Left to Right)
- Focused Strikes (5 ranks available) – Increases the damage dealt by your Primal Strike and Stormstrike abilities by 8/16/24/32/40%.
- Ancestral Knowledge (5 ranks available) – Increases your maximum mana by 3/6/9/12/15%.
Tier 2 (Left to Right)
- Improved Shields (3 ranks available) – Increases the damage done by your Lightning Shield orbs by 5/10/15%, increases the amount of mana gained from your Water Shield orbs by 5%, and increases the amount of healing done by your Earth Shield orbs by 5/10/15%.
- Enhancing Totems (3 ranks available) – Increases the effect of your Strength of Earth and Flametongue Totems by 5/10/15%.
- Improved Ghost Wolf (2 ranks available) – Reduces the cast time of your Ghost Wolf spell by 1/2 seconds.
Tier 3 (Left to Right)
- Elemental Weapons (3 ranks available) – Increases the damage caused by your Windfury Weapon effect by 13/27/40%, the spell damage on your Flametongue Weapon by 10/20/30%, and the bonus healing on your Earthliving Weapon by 10/20/30%.
- Shamanistic Focus (1 rank available) – Reduces the mana cost of your shock spells by 45%.
- Toughness (5 ranks available) – Increases your stamina by 2/4/6/8/10%, and reduces the duration of movement slowing effects on you by 6/12/18/24/30%.
Tier 4 (Left to Right)
- Anticipation (3 ranks available) – Increases your chance to dodge by an additional 1/2/3%, and reduces the duration of all Disarm effects used against you by 16/25/50%. This does not stack with other Disarm duration-reducing effects.
- Flurry (5 ranks available) – Increases your attack speed by 6/12/18/24/30% for your next 3 swings after dealing a critical strike.
- Ancestral Swiftness (3 ranks available) – Increases movement speed by 5/10/15%. This does not stack with other movement speed increasing effects.
Tier 5 (Left to Right)
- Dual Wield (1 rank available) – Allows one-hand and off-hand weapons to be equipped in the off-hand.
- Searing Flames (5 ranks available) – Causes the Searing Bolts from your Searing Totem to have a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to set their targets aflame, dealing damage equal to the Searing Bolt’s impact damage over 15 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.
Tier 6 (Left to Right)
- Dual Wield Specialization (3 ranks available) – Requires 1 point in Dual Wield – Increases your chance to hit while dual wielding by an additional 2/4/6%.
- Spirit Weapons (1 rank available) – Gives a chance to parry enemy melee attacks and reduces all threat generated by 30%.
- Frozen Power (2 ranks available) – Increases the damage done by your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Lava Lash and shock spells by 5% on targets afflicted by your Frostbrand Attack effect, and your Frost Shock has a 50/100% chance to root the target in ice for 5 seconds when used on targets at or further than 15 yards from you.
Tier 7 (Left to Right)
- Unleashed Rage (3 ranks available) – Increases your expertise by 3/6/9, and increases all party and raid members‘ attack power by 5/7/10% while within 100 yards of the shaman.
- Stormstrike (1 rank available) – 1874 Mana – Melee Range – Instant cast – 8 sec cooldown – Requires Melee Weapon – Instantly attack with both weapons, dealing 132 to 133% weapon damage. In addition, the shaman’s Nature damage dealt to the target is increased by 20%. Lasts 15 seconds.
- Totemic Vigor (3 ranks available) – Increases the health of your totems by 3/7/10% or your maximum health.
Tier 8 (Left to Right)
- Static Shock (3 ranks available) – When you deal damage with melee attacks and abilities while having Lightning Shield active, you have a 2/4/6% chance to deal damage equal to a Lightning Shield orb without consuming a charge.
- Lava Lash (1 rank available) – Requires 1 point in Dual Wield – 937 Mana – Melee Range – Instant cast – 10 sec cooldown – Requires Melee Weapon – You charge your off-hand weapon with lava, instantly dealing 150% off-hand weapon damage. Damage is increased by 40% if your off-hand weapon is enchanted with Flametongue.
- Improved Stormstrike (2 ranks available) – Requires 1 point in Stormstrike – When you Stormstrike, you have a 50/100% chance to immediately gain 35% of your base mana.
Tier 9 (Left to Right)
- Mental Quickness (3 ranks available) – Reduces the mana cost of your instant cast shaman spells by 2/4/6%, and increases your spell power by an amount equal to 10/20/30% of your attack power.
- Shamanistic Rage (1 rank available) – Instant – 1 min cooldown – Reduces all damage taken by 30% and gives your successful melee attacks a chance to regenerate mana equal to 15% of your attack power. This spell is usable while stunned. Lasts 15 seconds.
Tier 10 (Left to Right)
- Improved Lava Lash (3 ranks available) – Requires 1 point in Lava Lash – Increases the damage of your Lava Lash ability by 10/20/30%, and by an additional 7/14/20% for each of your applications of Searing Flames on the target, consuming those applications in the process.
- Maelstrom Weapon (5 ranks available) – When you deal damage with a melee weapon, you have a chance (higher than rank 1/2/3/4) to reduce the cast time of your next Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Hex, or any healing spell by 20%. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts 30 seconds.
Tier 11
- Feral Spirit (1 rank available) – 2698 Mana – Instant cast – 3 min cooldown – Summons two Spirit Wolves under the command of the Shaman, lasting 45 seconds.
Restoration Talent TreeTier 1 (Left to Right)
- Improved Healing Wave (5 ranks available) – Reduces the casting time of your Healing Wave and Greater Healing Wave spells by 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 seconds.
- Totemic Focus (5 ranks available) – Reduces the mana cost of your totems by 5/10/15/20/25%.
Tier 2 (Left to Right)
- Improved Reincarnation (2 ranks available) – Reduces the cooldown of your Reincarnation spell by 7/15 minutes and increases the amount of health and mana recovered when reincarnating by an additional 10/20%.
- Healing Grace (3 ranks available) – Reduces the threat generated by your healing spells by 5/10/15% and reduces the chance your helpful spells and damage-over-time effects will be dispelled by 10/20/30%.
- Tidal Focus (5 ranks available) – Reduces the mana cost of your healing spells by 1/2/3/4/5%.
Tier 3 (Left to Right)
- Improved Water Shield (3 ranks available) – You have a 33/66/100% chance to instantly gain mana as if you consumed a Water Shield Orb when you gain a critical effect from your Healing Wave or Riptide spells, a 20/40/60% chance when you gain a critical effect from your Lesser Healing Wave spell, and a 10/20/30% chance when you gain a critical effect from your Chain Heal spell.
- Healing Focus (3 ranks available) – Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting any shaman healing spells by 23/46/70%.
- Tidal Force (1 rank available) – Instant – 3 min cooldown – Increases the critical effect chance of your healing spells by 60%. Each critical heal reduces the chance by 20%. Lasts 20 seconds.
- Ancestral Healing (3 ranks available) – Reduces your target’s physical damage taken by 3/7/10% for 15 seconds after getting a critical effect from one of your healing spells.
Tier 4 (Left to Right)
- Restorative Totems (3 ranks available) – Increases the effect of your Mana Spring Totem by 7/12/20%, and increases the amount healed by your Healing Stream Totem by 15/30/45%.
- Focused Insight (5 ranks available) – After casting any shock spell, your next heal’s mana cost is reduced by 15/30/45/60/75% of the cost of the shock spell, and its healing effectiveness is increased by 5/10/15/20/25%.
Tier 5 (Left to Right)
- Healing Way (3 ranks available) – Increases the amount healed by your Healing Wave and Greater Healing Wave spells by 8/16/25%.
- Nature’s Swiftness (1 rank available) – Instant – 2 min cooldown – When activated, your next Nature spell with a base casting time less than 10 seconds becomes an instant cast spell. Nature’s Swiftness shares a cooldown with Elemental Mastery.
- Focused Mind (3 ranks available) – Reduces the duration of any Silence or Interrupt effects used against the shaman by 10/20/30%. This effect does not stack with other similar effects.
Tier 6 (Left to Right)
- Ancestral Resolve (2 ranks available) – Reduces damage taken while casting spells by 5/10%.
- Purification (5 ranks available) – Increases the effectiveness of your healing spells by 2/4/6/8/10%.
Tier 7 (Left to Right)
- Nature’s Guardian (5 ranks available) – Whenever a damaging attack brings you below 30% health, your maximum health is increased by 3/6/9/12/15% for 10 seconds, and your threat level towards the attacker is reduced. 30-second cooldown.
- Mana Tide Totem (1 rank available) – Requires 3 points in Restorative Totems – Instant – 5 min cooldown – Summons a Mana Tide Totem with 10% of the caster’s health at the feet of the caster for 12 seconds that restores 6% of total mana every 3 seconds to group members within 30 yards.
- Improved Cleanse Spirit (1 rank available) – Requires 5 points in Purification – Empowers your Cleanse Spirit spell to also remove a magic effect from a friendly target.
Tier 8 (Left to Right)
- Blessing of the Eternals (2 ranks available) – Increases the critical effect chance of your spells by 2/4%, and increases the chance to apply the Earthliving heal-over-time effect on the target by 40/80% when they are at or under 35% total health.
- Improved Chain Heal (2 ranks available) – Increases the amount healed by your Chain Heal spell by 10/20%.
- Nature’s Blessing (3 ranks available) – Increases your healing by an amount equal to 5/10/15% of your intellect.
Tier 9 (Left to Right)
- Ancestral Awakening (3 ranks available) – When you critically heal with a single-target direct heal, you summon an ancestral spirit to aid you, instantly healing the party or raid target with the lowest health within 40 yards for 10/20/30% of the amount healed.
- Earth Shield (1 rank available) – 8635 Mana – 40 yd range – Instant cast – Protects the target with an earthen shield, reducing casting or channeling time lost when damaged by 30% and causing attacks to heal the shielded target for 1609. This effect can only occur once every few seconds. 6 charges. Lasts 10 minutes. Earth Shield can only be placed on one target at a time and only one Elemental Shield can be active on a target at a time.
- Improved Earth Shield (2 ranks available) – Requires 1 point in Earth Shield – Increases the amount of charges for your Earth Shield by 1/2, and increases the healing done by your Earth Shield by 5/10%.
Tier 10
- Tidal Waves (5 ranks available) – When you cast Chain Heal or Riptide, you have a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to lower the cast time of your Healing Wave spell by 30% and increase the critical effect chance of your Lesser Healing Wave spell by 25%, until two such spells have been cast. In addition, your Greater Healing Wave gains an additional 4/8/12/16/20% of your bonus healing effects and your Healing Wave and Lesser Healing Wave gain an additional 2/4/6/8/10% of your bonus healing effects.
Tier 11
Riptide (1 rank available) – 6590 Mana – 40 yd range – Instant cast – 6 sec cooldown – Heals a friendly target for 2397 and another 3780 over 15 seconds. Your next Chain Heal cast on that primary target within 15 (yards, seconds?) will consume the heal-over-time effect and increase the amount of the Chain Heal by 25%. Shadow Dance (1 rank available) – Instant – 1 min cooldown – Enter the Shadow Dance for 6 seconds, allowing the use of Sap, Garrote, Ambush, Cheap Shot, Premeditation, Pickpocket and Disarm Trap regardless of whether or not you are Stealthed.
11. Juni 2010 @ 19:08
Ich weiß echt nicht, was Blizzard mit dem Diszi vor hat.
Man kommt in dem Diszi-Baum nicht drumherum die Damagesachen mitzuskillen.
Skillt man es mit hat man die Chance Leute in der Umgebung zu heilen und diesen Effekt nachher für Manareg aufzugebrauchen.
Soll man jetzt zwischendruch den Boss mit Smite bearbeiten?Was soll das den für eine Heilkasse sein, die Schaden macht?
Und wenn dann doch mal einer stirbt hat man ja die coole Ausrede „Ich musste Smiten,für mein Manahaushalt“ XD
Also so ganz dahinter will ich nicht kommen, wie die spielweise aussehen soll
11. Juni 2010 @ 21:32
Ist ja beim Schami teilweise ähnlich. Ka, soll wohl für PVP sein, denke ich mal. Trotzdem sehr komisch.
12. Juni 2010 @ 00:34
Gab heute noch ein Blue-Post zu dem Thema:
„Discipline Tree Design
The basic idea is you can choose to add some damage to your healing if you are soloing, in PvP, or even raiding encounters which aren’t particularly demanding for you to heal. For those situations where you really need to heal, you’ll do better with a talent build that focuses on healing.
It’s something we’re likely to try with all the healing specs, or else decide it’s a bad idea.“
Soll also für alle Heiler diese Damage Option beim Heilen geben. Wobei ich ein wenig mit dem Talent-Calc rumgespielt habe, und beim Disc Priest diese DPS Talente definitv im Raid-Build mit drin sind, da sie eben die Effektivität und Manareg der Heals positiv beeinflussen und es keine sinvollen aka besseren Optionen gibt. Wie bei AoC (eigentlich alle Heilklassen) oder WaR (Schami, Jünger des Khaine) kann es gut sein, das man demnächst Schaden machen muss, um effektiver zu heilen. Wäre auf jeden Fall mal was neues.
12. Juni 2010 @ 12:07
|| das man demnächst Schaden machen muss, um effektiver zu heilen.
|| Wäre auf jeden Fall mal was neues.
Hmm, das erinnert mich mal wieder an Everquest, Necromancer und Shadowknight konnten das schon vor Jahren *fg*