Juni 29 2010
Halion the Twilight Destroyer – Alle Fähigkeiten und Taktik Guide Video zum neuen Boss im Rubin Sanktum
Der erklärte Endboss des neuen Rubin Sanktums ist Halion the Twilight Destroyer. Auf den ersten Blick sieht der Kampfverlauf gegen Halion nicht sonderlich spektakulär aus. Klar ist mal wieder viel Feuer im Spiel und da Halion ein Drache ist, gibts vorne Breath und Cleave und hinten Schwanzfeger. Das übliche halt. Flammen am Boden und mehrere Phasen, die sich durch unterschiedliche Portale bzw. Welten definieren, hat man irgendwo auch schon mal gesehen. Insgesamt sieht der Kampf gegen Halion aus wie eine Mischung aus Archimonde und Kalecgos mit ein bisschen Sartharion. Gut geschüttelt und gerührt versteht sich.
Halion’s Fähigkeiten:
Hier einen Überblick über die Fähigkeiten von Halion, mit den Werten des 25er Normalmodes:
Phase 1 (100% – 75%): Physical Realm
Twilight Precision – Increases Halion’s chance to hit by 5% and decreases all players‘ chance to dodge by 20%.
Flame Breath – Inflicts 26,250 to 33,750 Fire damage to players in front of Halion.
Meteor Strike – Inflicts 18,750 to 21,250 Fire damage to enemies within 12 yards of the targeted area. Takes about 5 seconds to land. Shoots X-shaped lines of fire after it hits the ground.
Fiery Combustion – Inflicts 4,000 Fire damage every 2 seconds for 30 seconds to a random raider. Every time Fiery Combustion does damage, it applies a stackable Mark of Combustion.
Mark of Combustion – Has no immediate effect on the target. When removed (by either magic-remover or curse-remover, or after 30 seconds) it causes a Combustion of size proportional the the number of Marks.
Combustion – Inflicts 3,500 to 4,500 Fire damage every second to targets that remain within the explosion area. Combustion has 6 yards radius. Also knocks nearby players back with Fiery Combustion.
Phase 2 (75% – 50%): Twilight Realm
Twilight Precision – Increases Halion’s chance to hit by 5% and decreases all players‘ chance to dodge by 20%.
Dark Breath – Inflicts 26,250 to 33,750 Shadow damage to players in front of Halion.
Dusk Shroud – Inflicts 4,500 Shadow damage every 2 seconds to everyone in the Shadow Realm.
Shadow Pulsars – Summons two Shadow Pulsars at the two ends of one the fighting area’s diameters. The Pulsars slowly circle the area, beaming a Twilight Cutter for 10 seconds, then resting for 20 seconds, then beaming another Cutter.
Twilight Cutter – Inflicts 13,875 to 16,125 Shadow damage every second to players touched by the shadow beam.
Soul Consumption – Inflicts 4,000 Shadow damage every 2 seconds for 30 seconds to a random raider. Every time Soul Consumption does damage, it applies a stackable Mark of Consumption.
Mark of Consumption – Has no immediate effect on the target. When removed (by either magic-remover or curse-remover, or after 30 seconds) it causes a Consumption of size proportional the the number of Marks.
Consumption – Inflicts 3,500 to 4,500 Shadow damage every second to targets that remain within the explosion area. Combustion has 6 yards radius. Also pulls nearby players to its center with Soul Consumption.
Phase 3 (50% – 0%): Split
Twilight Precision – Increases Halion’s chance to hit by 5% and decreases all players‘ chance to dodge by 20%.
Corporeality – Halion takes and and does more damage in the realm he takes less damage in. At 0% and 100% Corporeality, Halion does and takes 400% extra damage in one of the realms, and no damage in the other.
Physical Realm – Halion continues using his abilities from phase 1 when fighting players in the physical realm.
Twilight Realm – Halion continues using his abilities from phase 2 when fighting players in the twilight realm.
Halion Taktik Video Guide:
Ein Halion Taktik Guide Video findet ihr hier, recht schön von der Gilde EF BI EI in Szene gesetzt:
Halion Loots:
Den kompletten Lottable von Halion findet ihr übrigens hier.
Patch 3.3.5: Downtime verlängert – Halion Hardmode bereits gefallen | Five Sec Rule
30. Juni 2010 @ 14:37
[…] der Zwischenzeit kann sich ja noch einmal jeder die Guides zu Halion und seinen Untergebenen Baltharus, General Zarithrian und Saviana Ragefire […]
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1. Juli 2010 @ 15:58
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