Juli 25 2010
Star Trek Online – Season Two Update Ancient Enemies noch im Juli geplant
So langsam nähert sich der Juli dem Ende entgegen. Allerdings noch terminiert für Juni ist der nächste grosse Star Trek Online Patch, der auf den Namen Season Two: Ancient Enemies hört. Ob Cryptic es in den verbleibenden sechs Tagen noch schafft, den kompletten Patch online zu stellen, bleibt noch abzuwarten. Im schlimmsten Fall wird sich der bevorstehende Patch in den August verschieben.
Doch was erwaret uns mit dem kommenden Season Two: Ancient Enemies Patch? Das Wichtigste gleich vorweg: Es wird eine Erhöhung des Level-Caps geben. Und damit löst STO den derzeitigen Spitzenreiter Aion ab, das bis dato mit der schnellsten Level-Cap Erhöhung in der mir bekannten MMO-Geschichte punkten konnte. So wird es in Star Trek Online gleich drei neue Ränge geben: Rear Admiral Lower und Upper Half und Vice Admiral. Für diesen neuen Tier 5 Bereich wird es eigene neue Gebiete geben, in denen man leveln kann. Als Belohnung winken neue Tier 5 Schiffe und Fähigkeiten. Das eigene Equipment kann man fortan mit epischem Mark XI Gear verbessern.
Neben diversen Mini-Games wie Dabo sind zudem wöchentliche Quests geplant, die sich der Level-Range des Spielers individuell vom Schwierigkeitsgrad her anpassen. Wir dürfen also gespannt sein, wie sich diese neuen Quests ins gesamte Konzept einfügen. Was leider noch nicht bekannt sind, ob es einhergehend mit der Level-Chap Erhöhung auch weitere Talentpunkte zum Verteilen gibt (womit zu rechnen ist), bzw. ob es komplett neue Talente geben wird.
Hier die kompletten, derzeit bekannten, Features zum Season Two: Ancient Enemies Patch:
Our latest content update, Season Two: Ancient Enemies, will be available in July 2010. In Ancient Enemies, you’ll encounter and do battle with even more of Star Trek’s iconic races, enjoy all new Episodes and experience Star Trek Online in brand new ways. Here’s some of what you can expect in Season Two: Ancient Enemies:
Congratulations, Admiral
We’re raising the level cap from 45 all the way to 51. With the increase comes new ranks:
- Federation:
- Rear Admiral, Lower Half (41-45)
- Rear Admiral, Upper Half (46-50)
- Vice Admiral (51)
- Klingon:
- Brigadier General (41-45)
- Major General (46-50)
- Lieutenant General (51)
With the new distinction comes a new set of rewards and content:
- New Tier 5 ships for both the Federation and Klingon factions. The Federation will receive an Exploration Cruiser retrofit featuring saucer separation, a Tactical Escort retrofit with a non-combat cloaking device and a Long Range Science Vessel retrofit with ablative generators. The Klingon Empire will receive the Kar’Fi Carrier, a Fek’Ihri Tactical Carrier with kamikaze S’Kul Fighters.
- Level 51 versions of every Special Task Force mission and Fleet Action.
- Mark XI gear rewards.
Klingon Episodes
In Season Two: Ancient Enemies, the Klingon faction will feature eight brand new Episodes tailored specifically to the Empire.
These Episodes star the Fek’ihri, the fabled enemy of Kahless, founder of the Klingon Empire. In Season Two, the Fek’ihri have returned and have again set their eyes upon Qo’noS. It’s up to you and your friends to protect the jewel of the Empire from occupation!
The Federation Diplomatic Corps
There’s more to life than leading with the sword. The Federation Diplomatic Corps brings subtlety to galactic turmoil. To kick off the new gameplay option, we’re introducing First Contact missions in which you’ll meet and interact with brand new civilizations.
As you progress with your diplomacy, you’ll earn special ranks and rewards within the Diplomatic Corps, so you’ll be rewarded for leading with the olive branch rather than the arrow.
Now Entering: Fluidic Space
In Season Two: Ancient Enemies, you’ll continue your interaction with the Undine, venturing into their native Fluidic space to learn more about the enigmatic species and their struggle with the Borg.
The Undine story continues with five new Episodes, a Fleet Action and all new Deep Space Encounters.
Introducing Mini-Games
Coming to a space station near you is the casino game Dabo. Play Dabo in social hubs to earn gold pressed latinum, which you can then use to buy all sorts of special rewards.
Along with Dabo is the Anomaly Scan mini-game.
Anomaly Scan is a new way to discover resources in-game. By playing this special mini-game, you’ll be able to find more anomalies than normal. You’ll improve your yield and feel more engaged.
Feature Episodes, Weekly
In addition to all the great story-based Episodes we’ve got on tap for you, we’ll be releasing new Feature Episodes every week, starting in August. These Episodes will introduce a new neutral mission giving race, the Deferi. Players of any level from both factions will be able to aid the Deferi against a new adversary. Be sure to keep an eye out for these special Feature Episodes as you enjoy Season Two!
Customization And More
We’ve got some great quality of life features headed your way, too. Some new improvements include:
- Fleet Emblems: Fleets can customize their own emblems and display them on ships, giving a Fleet a unified appearance in space.
- Improved Klingon Customization: All new costume options for Klingon Captains, and we’ve redesigned existing costume options to look better.
Even More on the Way
These are only some of the changes, fixes and updates in Season Two: Ancient Enemies. For a full list of what’s bundled into Season Two: Ancient Enemies, please visit the Engineering Reports forum.
Star Trek Online – Season Two, Ancient Enemies Patch veröffentlicht – Neue Level, Schiffe, Fähigkeiten und und und… | Five Sec Rule
31. Juli 2010 @ 03:27
[…] Tage nachdem ich darüber gemutmaßt habe, ob nun der für Juli geplante große Star Trek Patch noch kommen mag, war es dann auch schon so weit. Leider ist der Season Two: Ancient Enemies Patch […]