Dez. 16 2010
Alchemie: Transmutieren – Lebende Elemente und wie man das Resultat beeinflussen kann
Jeder Alchemist hat in Cataclysm die Möglichkeit bekommen 15 Flüchtige Leben in andere Elemente zu transmutieren. Welche anderen Elemente dabei rauskommen ist allerdings absolut zufällig und beim Skill nicht ersichtlich. Aus einem Blue-Posting geht nun allerdings hervor, dass das Resultat der Transmutation nicht so zufällig ist, wie es alle gedacht haben: Man kann beeinflussen in was man sein Flüchtiges Leben verwandeln will. Abhängig ist dies vom Ort der Trasmutation. Benutzt man Lebende Elemente in Hyjal kommt Flüchtiges Feuer heraus, in Udlum Flüchtige Luft, in Tiefenheim Flüchtige Erde und in Vashj’ir Flüchtiges Wasser. Also immer schön zum richtigen Ort reisen, um die gewünschten Flüchtigen Elemente aus dem Flüchtigen Leben zu gewinnen.
We’ve recently seen a few questions regarding the functionality of Transmute: Living Elements and whether or not its effects are truly random. There’s definitely some behind-the-scenes magic to this particular transmute, so we wanted to provide a bit more explanation on how it works.
Typically, when you use Transmute: Living Elements, you will receive 14-16 random Volatile elements (Volatile Air, Volatile Earth, Volatile Water, or Volatile Fire) in exchange for 15 Volatile Life. If you use this transmute while in one of the new Cataclysm zones associated with the Elemental Planes, however, the element into which your Volatile Life will transform will be predetermined. For example, if you use Transmute: Living Elements while in Uldum, you will always receive Volatile Air for your efforts.
Here’s a list of the affected zones and their corresponding Volatile elements:
- Mount Hyjal: Volatile Fire
- Vashj’ir: Volatile Water
- Deepholm: Volatile Earth
- Uldum: Volatile Air
Additionally, alchemists with Transmutation specialization will always receive bonus Volatile elements when completing this transmute. The bonus will be random, though, regardless of which zone you are in.
20. Dezember 2010 @ 14:29
„Additionally, alchemists with Transmutation specialization will always receive bonus Volatile elements when completing this transmute..“
That’s not true. I have Transmutatoin specialization and only got bonus elements once. So it’s buggy or was removed.