Jan. 19 2011
WoW Patch 4.0.6 – Die Buffs und Nerfs gehen weiter; dazu Alchistein Hotfix
Ein neuer Tag, eine neue Liste an Informationen. Die wohl interessanteste am heutigen Hotfix: Die Alchisteine können nicht mehr disenchantet werden. Schade, dienten doch gerade die Alchisteine vermehrt als Mahlstromkristall-Lieferant. Schaut man sich aber diverse Aktivitäten-Feeds von Gilden im Armory an, wurde dieser „Trick“ wohl von zu Vielen genutzt. Logisch, wie soll man sonst auch derzeit an Splitter kommen, wo doch jedes gute Rezept (und die Rezepte selber) Mahlstromkristalle brauchen? Hier werden in den nächsten Tagen die Kristall-Preise wohl wieder explodieren.
Dazu gab es dann einige Hotfixes an Encountern wie z.B. Atramedes, wo man nun den Raum nicht mehr verlassen und die Gongs auch nicht mehr doppelt spawnen kann. Lustig, schaut man sich Heroic-Kill Videos an, benutzen alle ausnahmslos diese Kreativ-Taktik. Ich bin gespannt wie der Mob nun gekillt wird, wenn die angewandten Taktiken nicht mehr funktionieren. Beim Priester wird weiterhin fleissig rumgebastelt. Gemühtsruhe verlängert nun nicht mehr die Chakra-Dauer, sondern reduziert den Cooldown selber. Ok, bei einer Minute Laufzeit ist es so rum besser, damit man schnell von Gruppen- auf Singletargetheal wechseln kann, ohne im Chakra CD festzuhängen.
Zudem wurden die Mats für die Fischmähler gesenkt, so dass diese nun nur noch die Hälfe an Fischen brauchen, was richtig nett ist, da man nun weniger Zeit beim Angeln verbringen muss.
- Alchemy: Free Action Potion now lasts 30 sec if the player is level 80 or lower. For higher levels, the duration is equal to [ 30 – (Player Level – 80) * 4 ], that’s 10 sec at level 85 if you suck at maths.
- Alchemy: Living Action Potion now lasts 3 sec, down from 5 sec.
- Alchemy: Transmute: Pyrium Bar now requires 1 x Elementium Bar and 1 x Volatile Earth, down from 4x of each.
- Elementium Deathplate now has 321 Strength (-20) and 208 Mastery Rating (-20). Now has a Yellow Socket (+10 Strength socket bonus)
- Elementium Girdle of Pain now has 233 Strength (-20) and 149 Haste Rating (-20). Now has a Yellow Socket (+10 Strength socket bonus)
- Elementium Gutslicer now requires 4 x Hardened Elementium Bar (Down from 25), Truegold x 5, Chaos Orb x 3 (up from 1).
- Hardened Elementium Girdle now has 233 Strength (-20) and 149 Mastery Rating. (-20). Now has a Blue Socket (+10 Dodge socket bonus)
- Hardened Elementium Hauberk now has 321 Strength (-20) and 208 Parry Rating. (-20). Now has a Blue Socket (+10 Parry socket bonus)
- Light Elementium Belt now has 233 Intellect (-20) and 149 Spirit (-20). Now has a Yellow socket (+10 Intellect socket bonus)
- Light Elementium Chestguard now has 321 Intellect (-20) and 208 Critical strike rating (-20). Now has a Yellow socket (+10 Intellect socket bonus)
- Persuader no longer requires Skin of Shadow to be crafted.
- Cooking: Broiled Dragon Feast now requires Dragon Flank x 3 (down from 6) and Delicate Wing x 2 (Down from 4)
- Cooking: Seafood Magnifique Feast now requires Highland Guppy x 2 (down from 4), Lavascale Catfish x 2 (Down from 4), and Fathom Eel x 2 (Down from 4)
- Engineering: Nitro Boosts had „They rarely explode violently, so don’t worry about that.“ added to its description.
- Enchanting: Enchant Cloak – Shadow Armor no longer increases Stealth.
- Enchanting: Enchant Weapon – Avalanche now also procs from spell damage.
- Enchanting: Runed Elementium Rod now requires 515 Enchanting.
- Eternal Shadowspirit Diamond now increases Shield Block Value by 1%, down from 5%.
- Chestguard of Nature’s Fury now has 321 Intellect (-20) and 221 Mastery Rating (-20). Now has a Red Socket (+10 Haste Rating socket bonus)
- Lightning Lash now has 233 Intellect (-20), 149 Spirit (-3) and 169 Haste Rating (-10). Now has a Red Socket (+10 Intellect socket bonus)
- Stormleather Sash now has 233 Intellect (-20) and 116 Mastery Rating (-20). Now has a Red Socket (+10 Intellect socket bonus)
- Twilight Scale Chestguard now has 321 Intellect (-20) and 214 Critical strike rating (-20). Now has a Red Socket (+10 Haste Rating socket bonus)
- Shifting Cloak no longer requires Skin of Shadow to be crafted.
- Tailoring: Cenarion Herb Bag no longer requires Morrowgrain to be crafted.
- Tailoring: Darkglow Embroidery now increases your Spirit by 580 for 15 sec instead of restoring 800 Mana.
- Tailoring: Lightweave Embroidery now increases Intellect by 580 instead of spell power.
- Kalytha’s Haunted Locket
- Technique: Glyph of Colossus Smash
- Hornet-Sting Band
- Satchel of Freshly-Picked Herbs
- Greater Inscription of Vicious Sententiousness
Item Sets
- PvP Item bonuses awarding +180 to a stat now give +90.
- Increased Focus Regeneration (PvP Hunter) now increases the regeneration of your Focus by 5%, down from 10%.
- Item – Druid T11 Restoration 4P Bonus is now cancelled when Lifebloom expires on your most recent Lifebloom target.
Death Knight (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Heart Strike now causes 175% weapon damage, up from 120%. Deals an additional 15% for each of your diseases present on the target, up from 10%.
- Improved Death Strike now increases the damage done by Death Strike by 30/60/90%, up from 15/30/45%. Still increases critical strike chance by 3/6/9% and amount healed by 15/30/45%.
- Scarlet Fever (Rank 2) now procs from Blood Plague. (Tooltip bugfix)
- Chilblains now also causes your Chains of Ice to immobilize targets for 1/3 sec.
- Rage of Rivendare now increases damage of Plague Strike, Scourge Strike, and Festering Strike by 12/24/36%, down from 15/30/45%.
- Shadow Infusion now increases the damage dealt by your Ghoul by 8%, down from 10%.
- Inscription: Glyph of Dark Succor now causes your Death Strike ability to always restore at least 15% (down from 20%) of your maximum health when used while in Frost or Unholy Presence.
Druid (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- The act of shapeshifting now frees the caster of „movement slowing effects“ instead of „Movement Impairing effects“.
- Wild Mushroom detonation damage has been increased by 13%, from [ 747 to 904 ] Nature damage to [ 845 to 1022 ] Nature damage.
- Fungal Growth now lasts 20 sec, up from 10 sec.
- Moonkin Form no longer increases armor contribution from items and reduces all damage taken by 15% instead.
- Typhoon now costs 16% of base mana, down from 32%.
- Tree of Life now also protects the caster from Polymorph effects.
- Disentanglement is now a primary skill.
Hunter (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Beast Mastery
- Animal Handler now increases Attack Power by 25%, up from 15%.
- Aimed Shot! (Master Marksman) now deals 203% ranged weapon damage, up from 103% and now scale from 72.4% of Ranged AP, up from 48%.
- Aimed Shot now has a 2.4 sec cast time, down from 3 sec. Now scales from 72.4% of Ranged AP, up from 48%.
- Arcane Shot now scales from 4.83% of Ranged AP, up from 4.2%
- Chimera Shot now scales from 73.2% of Ranged AP, up from 48.8%
- Black Arrow now deals 2035 Shadow damage over 15 sec, up from 1800. (+13%)
- Explosive Shot now scales from 23.2% of Ranged AP, up from 20.5%.
- Serpent Spread is no longer capped to 4 targets. (PTR change)
Mage (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Mage Armor now reduces the duration of all harmful Magic effects used against you by 35%, down from 50%. No longer has a mana cost.
- Molten Armor no longer has a mana cost.
- Frost Armor no longer has a mana cost.
Paladin (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Forbearance (Divine Shield / Hand of Protection / Lay on Hands) now lasts 1 min, down from 2 min.
- Protector of the Innocent healing has been reduced by 30%. Now heals for [ 2605 to 2997 ] at Rank 3, down from [ 3722 to 4282 ].
- Vindication no longer causes your Hammer of Justice to interrupt creatures that are immune to stuns.
- Hand of Light now increases damage of Templar’s Verdict, Crusader Strike, and Divine Storm by 16.8%, down from 20%. Each point of Mastery increases the damage by an additional 2.1%, down from 2.5%.
- Divine Storm now deals 100% weapon damage, up from 80%.
- Repentance no longer breaks from damage from Censure.
Priest (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Chakra tooltip fixed to include Binding Heal in the first line of the description.
- Circle of Healing now has a 30 yards radius, up from 15 yards.
- State of Mind no longer increases the duration of Chakra, now Reduces the cooldown of your Chakra spell by 3/6 sec.
- Penance healing has been increased by 20%. Now heals for [ 2822 to 3189 ], up from [ 2351 to 2657 ]
- Improved Power Word: Shield no longer increases damage absorbed by an additional % when cast on self. Now increases Increases the damage absorbed by your Power Word: Shield by 10/20%. (Up from 5/10%)
- Power Infusion now has a 40 yards range, up from 30 yards.
- Strength of Soul’s Silence, Interrupt, and Dispel immunity now procs when you cast Inner Focus (on any target) instead of Power Word: Shield on yourself. Immunity now lasts 3/5 sec, up from 2/4 sec.
- Mind Blast damage has been increased by 60%. Now deals [ 1617 to 1709 ] damage, up from [ 1028 to 1086 ].
- Mind Sear damage has been reduced by 30%. Now deals [ 104 to 113 ], down from [ 146 to 158 ].
- Shadow Orb Power now Increases the damage done by your Shadow Orbs by 11.6%, down from 21.6%.
- Mind Soothe now lasts 20 sec, up from 15 sec.
- Inscription: Glyph of Pain Suppression now also let you cast Guardian Spirit while stunned.
Rogue (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Garrote now costs 45 Energy, down from 50 Energy.
- Blade Flurry now has a 10 sec cooldown and lasts „until cancelled“.
- Redirect now requires active combo points.
- Elusiveness now reduces the cooldown of Cloak of Shadows by 10/15 sec, down from 15/30 sec.
- Inscription: Glyph of Garrote now increases the duration of your Garrote’s silence effect by 1.5 sec, down from 2 sec.
Shaman (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Spiritwalker’s Grace now lasts 15 sec, up from 10 sec.
- Windfury Weapon now triggers 3 extra attacks, up from 2.
- Lava Burst damage has been increased by 10%. Now deals [ 1394 to 1778 Fire Damage], up from [ 1267 to 1615 ] damage.
- Mana Tide Totem now affects raid members.
- Inscription: Glyph of Hex now reduces the cooldown of your Hex spell by 10 sec, down from 15 sec.
Warlock (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Fel Armor now causes you to be healed for 3% of any single-target spell damage you deal.
- Demonic Aegis now increases the amount of health returned by Fel Armor by 50/100% (instead of mana, from the old version of Fel Armor)
- Mana Feed no longer affects Drain Mana (Drain Mana is removed in 4.0.6)
- Improved Soul Fire no longer has a 6 sec cooldown.
- Demonic Empowerment (Felguard) now also removes fear.
Warrior (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Heroic Strike now scales from 60% of Attack Power, down from 93%.
- Slam now deals 175% weapon damage plus 748. Up from 125% weapon damage plus 538.
- Bloodsurge now also causes your instant and free Slam to deal 20% more damage.
- Inner Rage now has a 30 sec cooldown and Reduces the cooldown of Heroic Strike and Cleave by 50% for 15 sec.
- Recklessness now gives your special attacks an additional 50% to critically hit instead of giving your next 3 attacks a 100% chance to critically hit. Still lasts 12 sec and increases damage taken by 20%.
- Raging Blow now deals 120% weapon damage, down from 145%.
Here you will find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the release of patch 4.0.3a and World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. While many have already been deployed on all realms, some may not be implemented until the next time your realm is restarted. We will continue to update this thread in the days ahead as additional hotfixes are applied.
January 8-18
- Broiled Dragon Feast is correctly being tracked by the guild achievement, Set the Oven to „Cataclysmic“.
- The guild achievement Lower Blackrock Spire Guild Run can now only be earned in a group of at least 4 players from the same guild in a 5-player party.
- The achievement Sunwell Plateau Guild Run now requires a guild group to complete. This achievement can no longer be completed without the requirement of having 75% of the raid be guild members.
- Guild experience daily resets should no longer sometimes fail to occur.
Death Knight (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents
- Necrotic Strike is now affected by resilience.
Druid (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Druids previously unable to learn Nature’s Grasp will be able to learn that spell now.
- Rejuvenation now consumes 16% of base mana, down from 26%, but still requires 26% of base mana in order to be cast.
Mage (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents
- Rank 1 of Pyromaniac no longer improperly gives 5% passive haste.
- The mana costs of the following mage spells have been reduced, but they still require the previous percentage of base mana in order to be cast: Arcane Barrage (11% of base mana), Arcane Blast (7% of base mana), and Fireball (12% of base mana). As an example, Fireball requires 16% base mana to cast, but only consumes 12% of base mana.
Priest (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Sin and Punishment is now properly causing its terror affect when dispelled. In addition, it no longer shares diminishing returns with fear effects. It now shares diminishing returns with horrify effects.
- Priests who were unable to learn Holy Nova will now be able to train the spell.
Warlock (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents
- While Nightfall is active, Doomguards will not instantly cast Doom Bolt.
Warrior (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- A bug has been fixed where the Shield Block ability granted 25% more critical block chance than was intended for Protection warriors with very high total chance to avoid attacks.
Dungeons & Raids
- It should no longer be possible for players to inadvertently be locked out of killing a raid boss depending on whether or not they were online when the boss was killed.
- The battle resurrection counter will now correctly reset if players are not inside the dungeon when an encounter resets.
The Bastion of Twilight
- Many adjustments to the behavior of various mechanics in the Sinestra encounter have been made.
- Fester Blood now hits everyone in the room instead of having a 20-yard radius on Heroic difficulty during the Cho’gall encounter. No more kiting he who has too many eyeballs.
- Valiona’s Blackout can no longer be absorbed by Grounding Totem or reflected. Its healing absorption effect has also been increased for 10-player normal difficulty.
Blackwing Descent
- Atramedes will now reset if the players targeted by Sonic Breath or Obnoxious Fiends attempt to leave the room.
- Zoning into the dungeon after a soft reset now causes all Atramedes-related objects and creatures to reset completely. The introduction event will replay once the dwarves have been cleared. Entering combat with Atramedes forces the gongs to become usable and the fight will function normally from this point.
- Atramedes will no longer despawn when his tail passes through the area trigger in the entrance to his room. He will no longer despawn randomly during the fight. Pulling him out of his room will now cause him to reset.
- The damage of Chimaeron’s Caustic Slime has been reduced for both raid sizes and dungeon difficulties.
- Chimaeron will not cast Caustic Slime on Feral tanks in Bear Form unless there aren’t enough non-tank specialized targets available. This fix applies to Magmaw’s targeting functionality as well.
- Rip and Bane of Doom damage is no longer affected by the damage increase of Stolen Power when engaging Nefarian.
- Abberrations spawned during the Maloriak encounter were displaying inappropriately high health values on Heroic difficulty. This has been corrected.
- Bloodthirsty Gladiator’s Badge of Dominance and Vicious Gladiator’s Insignia of Dominance on-use effects now properly modify healing done.
- Darkmoon Card: Volcano now triggers from periodic damage.
- Divine Shield and Blessing of Protection no longer remove the Blind Spot debuff from the normal and Heroic versions of the Jar of Ancient Remedies. When targeting an ally at very close range (2-3 yards) when using this item, it will still energize them instead of the user. This will be fixed in an upcoming patch.
- Free Action Potions now cannot be used above level 80.
- Archaeology keystone fragments can no longer be prospected.
- Lifebound Alchemist Stones can no longer be disenchanted.
- Ring of Valor has been temporarily disabled until select bugs can be fixed in an upcoming patch.
- Teams who are in the rated Battleground queue and have a member disconnect are now removed from the queue after 10 minutes if the player does not come back. The team is still at the top of the queue if the player comes back and the Battleground will pop almost instantly.
- Battleground ratings, wins, and losses should now always update after every game when playing in rated Battlegrounds. Certain conditions were not causing this to happen previously.
- Players who do not show up to a Rated Battleground, either by leaving the queue or letting the Battleground queue time out, are not being credited for a win.
- Players who are removed from a Battleground when it closes due to a lack of players will not receive the Deserter debuff.
- Players are again able to queue for more than one Battleground at a time without issue.
Quests & Creatures
- Worgen character hearthstone location is now set to the Craftsmen’s Terrace in Darnassus upon completing the quest „Ruh’theran Village“.
- Fungalmancer Glop no longer grants experience and now rewards quest kill credit to all players who have damaged him.
Tol Barad Peninsula
- Players will receive quest credit for killing any quest boss, regardless of party status, so long as they participate in killing these bosses.
- Problim can now be seen from a much larger distance.
- Cell Watchers in D-Block are no longer incorrectly tagged as elite.
- „The Leftovers“, „Swamp Bait“ and „A Huge Problim“ can now be shared between members of the Alliance. In addition, these quests now award the correct amount of gold and faction for the Horde and Alliance as well.
- Darkwood Broodmothers no longer flee at 25% and periodically inflict targets with Reckless Toxin instead.
- Hungry Ghouls and Skeletal Beastmasters now drop the Cursed Femur quest item when on the quest „Salvaging the Remains“, and the tooltip also indicates these creatures drop the quest item.
- Restless Infantry and Restless Soldiers now spawn more quickly.
Twilight Highlands
- If reinforcements are not called after 60 seconds, Skullcrusher will now despawn. When reinforcements are called, Skullcrusher no longer improperly despawns.
- Titanic Guardian’s Burning Gaze ability should no longer put everyone in the zone in combat.
20. Januar 2011 @ 07:34
Du meinst Atramedes statt Maloriak oder?
Wenn nicht bin ich verwirrt wegen den Gongs^^
Mind Sear Nerf « WoW- Journal von Nomadenseele
20. Januar 2011 @ 16:42
[…] Gefunden bei 5SecRule […]
22. Januar 2011 @ 12:24
Jo natürlich. My fault. Fixed