Jan. 12 2011
WoW Patch 4.0.6 – Heroic und Priester Nerf
Mem hatte es ja schon vor einigen Tagen vermutet: Nun ist es offiziell: Die meisten Heroics werden an den kritischen Punkten generft, damit sie wieder etwas massentauglicher werden. Gerade der erste Boss in Burg Schattenfang, Baron Ashbury, verliert sein Heal „Rotten Flesh“, was den Encounter trivialisiert, da man fortan nur noch den Hinrichtungsaufschub unterbrechen muss. Zugegeben: Shadowfang war die Heroic, die ich mit Randoms fast nie spielen konnte, da die meisten nicht in der Lange waren, die Heals gezielt zu unterbrechen. Aber anstatt es zu lernen, wird nun generft. Ebenso bekommt Ozruk im Stonecore die Handschellen angelegt, war er doch für die meisten Amateur-Tanks DER Stolperstein schlechthin.
Ich spiele ja selber Tankpala und musste auch ein wenig rumprobieren und failen bis ich den Dreh raus hatte, aber immerhin hat man es gelernt. Aber anscheinend ist die breite Masse dazu nicht im Stande, so dass lieber gewhint und anschließend generft wird. Neben den Heroic-Nerfs wird auch beim Priester wieder die Handbremse gezogen. Gebet der Heilung wird generft, daneben auch noch der Lichtbrunnen, was ich in keinster Weise nachvollziehen kann, da man insgeheim froh ist, wenn das Ding überhaupt jemand benutzt. CoH bekommt im Gegenzug einen Buff, schön das die Manakosten von Erneuerung ein bisschen gesenkt werden. Was ich allerdings nicht verstehe:
Der Priester (und auch die meisten anderen Heiler) werden durch die Bank generft, einzig der Holypala bleibt so wie er ist. Und machen wir uns nichts vor: Die Heilung vom Pala mit seiner Taschenlampe läuft ein wenig aus dem Ruder, so dass hier die Nerfkeule geschwungen gehört, da die Lilaplattenpurschen derzeit jenseits aller Konkurrenz heilen und man in keinster Weise an die Palas heran kommt, und dass schon gar nicht, wenn nun noch Gebet der Heilung generft wird. Aber man muss nicht alles verstehen, was Blizzard mit Patch 4.0.6 vor hat…
- Guild bank vouchers that players unlock as guild rewards now correctly state that they can only be used by Guild Leaders.
- Many rare creatures that went into hiding upon Deathwing’s emergence into Azeroth have made a return! In addition to finding new homes in a post-Cataclysm world, they drop new, improved loot, provide a healthy experience bonus, and respawn much more quickly when killed. Happy hunting!
Dungeons & Raids
- Level 85 players can now choose any normal dungeon via the Dungeon Finder. Choosing Random Dungeon will still not add Blackrock Caverns or Throne of the Tides into the rotation.
Blackrock Caverns
- Beauty now spawns with only two pups in Heroic difficulty. Not to worry though, the missing pup has been adopted by a wonderful, if not insane family.
Grim Batol
- Faceless Corruptors now move 10% more slowly.
- Players may still use spell and abilities while afflicted by Forgemaster Throngus’s Impaling Slam.
- Valiona’s Devouring Flame damage has been reduced by 20%.
Halls of Origination
- The duration of the Flame Wardens‘ Raging Inferno has been reduced by 80%.
- Anraphet’s Nemesis Strike now does 75% of weapon damage, up from 50%. In addition, the damage-over-time effect applied by this ability does 15,000 damage every 2 seconds, up from 9,000.
- Earthrager Ptah’s Flame Bolt now deals more damage per second on Heroic difficulty.
- Setesh seeks a portal every 25 seconds, up from 20.
Lost City of the Tol’vir
- Lockmaw no longer tolerates fighting in his treasure room.
Shadowfang Keep
- Baron Ashbury
- Sadly, in his hubris he has forgotten how to Mend Rotten Flesh.
- Lord Walden
- Conjure Poisonous Mixture now deals more initial damage.
- Frost Mixture is now area-of-effect damage.
- Toxic Catalyst now deals less damage over time.
The Stonecore
- Stonecore Earthshapers‘ Dust Storm does slightly less damage.
- Corborus
- The warning time for Thrashing Charge has been increased by 1 second. In addition, Thrashing Charge now happens 4 times, down from 5.
- The visual for Rock Borers spawning during the submersion phase is now different from the Thrashing Charge visual.
- High Priestess Azil
- She grew! She’s now 175% the size of a human, up from 125%.
- Gravity Wells should kill Devout Followers more quickly.
- The cast time of Force Grip is now 1.5 seconds, up from 1.
- The size of the warning visual for Seismic Shard has been increased to more accurately reflect the area it affects.
- Slabhide
- The ground phase lasts longer and has fewer stalactites.
- Ozruk
- There is now a precast visual on the ground to make it clear how far away a player must get to be clear of Shatter.
- The cast time of Shatter has been increased to 3 seconds, up from 2.5.
- Shatter damage is now reduced by armor, but has been increased by 33.3% (repeating, of course) as a result.
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that made Ozruk’s Shatter knockback component 10-yard range while the damage had a 15-yard range. Both are 15 yards now.
Throne of the Tides
- The damage done by Lady Naz’jatar’s Shock Blast and Naz’jar Tempest Witch Chain Lightning has been reduced.
- Tainted Sentries Swell damage has been reduced.
- The damage of Blight of Ozumat has been reduced by 25% per stack.
The Vortex Pinnacle
- Creatures
- Desperate Speed cast by Temple Adepts has had its duration reduced significantly.
- Altairus
- The visual effects in this encounter have been adjusted to make the wind direction easier to read.
- Cyclones now knock players straight up, and players hit by a cyclone cannot be hit again for a few seconds.
- Asaad
- Skyfall Stars are now summoned to help him defeat players.
- Static Cling has had its cast time increased to 1.25 seconds, up from 1.
- Grand Vizier Ertan
- His health has been reduced slightly.
- He now knocks away players standing too close to him when he retracts his Cyclone Shield, which now inflicts Nature damage if it touches players.
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that made Ozruk’s Shatter knockback component 10-yard range while the damage had a 15-yard range. Both are 15 yards now.
Tol Barad
- Players will now be teleported out of the Tol Barad micro dungeons 15 minutes before the beginning of the next battle.
Death Knight (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Necrotic Strike’s absorption effect is now reduced by the target’s resilience. In addition, its debuff duration has been reduced to 10 seconds, down from 15.
- The spell hit bonus previously given by Virulence (Unholy) has been rolled into the Runic Focus passive effect that all death knights possess.
- Bone Shield now has 4 charges, up from 3.
- If Death Strike is used while a Blood Shield is already active, the new absorb will stack with the old one instead of replacing it.
- Scarlet Fever now applies via Blood Plague, rather than Blood Boil.
- Chilblains now also causes Chains of Ice to root the target for 1.5/3 seconds.
- Hungering Cold now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
- Blightcaller (Mastery) has been redesigned and renamed Dreadblade. It increases all Shadow damage by 2.5% per point of mastery.
- Death’s Advance (new talent): While both Unholy Runes are depleted, movement-impairing effects cannot reduce the death knight below 75/100% of normal movement speed.
- Sudden Doom is now triggered only from main-hand auto attacks, and is normalized according to weapon speed rather than having a fixed percentage chance.
- Virulence has been redesigned. It now grants 10/20/30% additional disease damage.
- Glyph of Dark Succor (new talent) raise the minimum healing done by Death Strike from 7% to 20% of maximum health, but only while in Unholy or Frost Presence.
- Swordbreaking and Swordshattering now reduce disarm duration by 60%, up from 50%.
Druid (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Entangling Roots now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
- Hibernate now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
- Moonfire mana cost has been reduced from 18% to 9%.
- Nature’s Grasp now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
- Prowl is no longer broken by enemies using Demoralizing Shout or Demoralizing Roar.
- Skull Bash’s lockout time has been reduced to 4 seconds, down from 5.
- Soothe is now instant cast, down from 1.5 seconds.
- Worgen and troll druids now have new art for Swift Flight Form.
- Sunfire mana cost has been reduced from 18% to 9%.
- Total Eclipse (Mastery) benefit from mastery increased by approximately 33%.
- Infected Wounds now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
- Empowered Touch now also affects Regrowth. In addition, after Tree of Life is no longer active, this talent will only refresh the most recently cast or refreshed Lifebloom, and will not refresh other copies of Lifebloom.
- Natural Shapeshifter has been reduced to a 3/6-second increase to Tree of Life’s duration, down from 5/10.
- Symbiosis (Mastery) benefit from mastery increased by approximately 16%.
- Tree of Life no longer grants immunity to Polymorph. In addition, its duration has been reduced to 25 seconds, down from 30.
- Wild Growth healing has been increased by 30%, and the cooldown has been reduced to 8 seconds, down from 10.
- Glyph of Entangling Roots redesigned. It now reduces the cast time of Entangling Roots by 0.2 seconds, rather than making it instant cast.
Hunter (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Cobra shot cast time is now affected by haste.
- Concussive Shot duration has been increased to 6 seconds, up from 4.
- Freezing Trap now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
- Master’s Call now has a 35-second cooldown, down from 1 minute, and its range has been increased to 40 yards, up from 25. In addition, the visual effect is more obvious.
- Steady Shot cast time is now affected by haste.
- Wing Clip now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
- Wild Quiver (Mastery): Chance for this to trigger per mastery has been increased by approximately 17%.
- Black Arrow damage has been reduced by 25%.
- Explosive Shot damage has been reduced by 25%.
- Hunter vs. Wild has been increased to 5/10/15% Stamina, up from 4/8/12%.
- Serpent Spread can now only affect up to 4 targets per Multi-Shot, down from unlimited.
- Glyph of Concussive Shot redesigned. It now limits the maximum run speed of the target while Concussive Shot is active.
Bug Fixes
- Cobra Shot now properly increases the duration of the Serpent Spread Serpent Sting.
Mage (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Arcane Barrage mana cost has been reduced by 8%.
- Arcane Blast mana cost has been reduced by 12%.
- Counterspell lockout duration reduced to 7 seconds, down from 8.
- Fireball mana cost has been reduced by 25%.
- Polymorph now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
- Ring of Frost: Radius shrunk to 8 yards, and inner „safe“ radius is now 4.7 yards (exactly matching graphic). Dispelling the effect of Ring of Frost will now make the target immune to being refrozen for 3 seconds. If a second Ring of Frost is cast by the same mage while the first is still active (via Cold Snap), the first will now disappear and cease functioning. In addition, Ring of Frost now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
- When a mage uses the Invisibility spell, it will now also cause their pet Water Elemental to become invisible.
- Slow now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
- Firestarter now allows the mage to cast Scorch while moving (regardless of which armor spell is used), and no longer eliminates Molten Armor’s critical strike chance reduction.
- Flashburn (Mastery) benefit per mastery has been increased by 12%.
- Living Bomb mana cost has been reduced by 22%.
- Deep Freeze damage done has been reduced by 20%.
- Fingers of Frost can no longer be dispelled and now also increases Ice Lance damage by 15%.
- Frost Specialization now only grants 2 base points of mastery (instead of 8), reducing all Frost damage to frozen targets by 15% from previous values. However, Frost Specialization now increases base Frostbolt damage by 15%.
Paladin (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Forbearance
- The duration has been lowered to 1 minute, down from 2.
- Lay on Hands now causes Forbearance on the target. It used to only cause it when cast on the paladin.
- This was an old design from when Divine Protection caused Forbearance and the paladin didn’t want to prevent a tank from using their defensive cooldown.
- Lay on Hands cannot be a critical effect and will not be affected by most abilities which modify healing (such as Beacon of Light).
- Since only Divine Shield, Lay on Hands and Hand of Protection cause Forbearance, the tooltips have been adjusted to better explain the mechanic.
- Holy Wrath no longer counts nearby critters when dividing damage among its targets.
- Seal of Truth: All single target attacks (including Judgement, Hammer of Wrath, Exorcism, and Templar’s Verdict) can now trigger this seal.
- Protector of the Innocent heals for 30% less.
- Vindication no longer allows Hammer of Justice to interrupt stun-immune targets. With Rebuke baseline, this functionality is no longer necessary.
- Act of Sacrifice will no longer cause Cleanse to remove movement impairing effects from vehicles the paladin is riding.
Priest (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Mind Control now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
- Mind Sear can now be channeled on friendly targets in addition to enemy targets. In addition, Mind Sear’s damage has been increased by roughly 15%.
- Prayer of Healing effectiveness has been reduced by 15%.
- Divine Aegis: Critical effects from Prayer of Healing now award a bonus amount in addition to the default, always-proc Divine Aegis effect.
- In addition to Strength of Soul’s existing effects, when Power Word: Shield is placed on oneself, the priest becomes immune to silence, interrupt, and dispel effects for 2/4 seconds.
- Chakra
- Binding Heal and Holy Word: Serenity now refresh the duration of Renew on the target, in addition to the other direct heals.
- Binding Heal, Flash Heal, Greater Heal can now trigger Chakra: Serenity.
- Mind Spike can now trigger Chakra: Chastise.
- Circle of Healing effectiveness has been increased by 30%.
- Guardian Spirit: The absorb/heal from this ability can now never exceed 200% of the maximum health of the target.
- Shadow Orbs benefit from mastery has been increased by approximately 16%.
Rogue (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Blind now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
- Crippling Poison now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
- Sap now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
- Stealth is no longer broken by enemies using Demoralizing Shout or Demoralizing Roar.
- Deadly Momentum critical strike bonus now lasts for 15 seconds, up from 10.
- Main Gauche (Mastery) now provides a chance to deal an attack for 100% of main-hand damage. This attack can trigger Combat Potency.
- Restless Blades now also reduces the cooldown of Redirect.
- Vitality now increases attack power by 25%, up from 20%.
- Executioner (Mastery) has been increased from 2% to 2.5% per point.
- Find Weakness now grants 35/70% armor reduction, up from 25/50%.
- Preparation no longer resets the cooldown of Evasion.
- Sanguinary Vein now gives a rogue a 50/100% chance for their own Bleed effects to not break their Gouge.
- Shadowstep’s cooldown has been increased to 24 seconds, up from 20 seconds.
- Sinister Calling now grants 30% Agility, up from 25%, and increases Backstab and Hemorrhage damage by an additional 40%, up from 25%.
Shaman (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Chain Heal’s effectiveness has been increased by approximately 10%.
- Hex now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
- Purge now dispels a single effect instead of two.
- Tremor Totem has been redesigned. The totem is now usable under Fear, Charm, or Sleep effects, and pulses much more rapidly, but lasts 6 seconds and has a 1-minute cooldown.
Elemental Combat
- Earthquake damage has been increased by approximately 10%.
- Flametongue Weapon damage now scales from attack power instead of spell power (for Enhancement shaman only).
- Purge no longer has its mana cost reduced by Mental Quickness.
- Cleansing Waters no longer fires its heal effect twice when a shaman removes a Magic and a Curse debuff with a single cast.
- Deep Healing (Mastery) has been increased to 3% per point, up from 2.5%.
- Greater Healing Wave mana cost has been increased by 10%; healing done has been increased by 20%.
- Mana Tide Totem has been redesigned. The totem no longer multiplies the Spirit of those affected by it. It instead gives a flat amount of Spirit equal to 400% of the casting shaman’s Spirit, exclusive of short-term Spirit buffs affecting the shaman when the totem is dropped.
Warlock (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Curse of Exhaustion now reduces movement speed by 30%, down from 50%. Its range has been increased to 40 yards, up from 30.
- Demon Armor and Fel Armor no longer cost mana and last until canceled.
- Fear now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
- Fel Armor now increases the warlock’s maximum mana by 10% instead of regenerating health.
- Seduction (Succubus) now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
- Unstable Affliction’s silence effect has been reduced to 4 seconds, down from 5.
- Demon Soul: Imp redesigned. It now increases the critical strike chance of all non instant cast Destruction spells by 30%, rather than increasing critical strike damage. Duration reduced to 20 seconds.
- Felstorm (Felguard) damage has been reduced by 20%.
- Immolation Aura damage has been reduced by roughly 30%.
- Inferno no longer increases the radius of Hellfire, but instead increases the duration of Immolate by 6 seconds in addition to its existing effect.
- Master Demonologist (Mastery) benefit from mastery increased by approximately 33%.
- Burning Embers damage has been reduced by 15%.
- Fiery Apocalypse (Mastery) benefit from mastery increased by approximately 8%.
- Improved Soul Fire now increases Fire and Shadow damage done by 4/8%, rather than 7/15% spell haste. In addition, this talent has been moved to tier-3 Destruction, switching places with Aftermath.
Warrior (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Hamstring now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
- Inner Rage has been redesigned. It now reduces the cooldown on Heroic Strike and Cleave by 50% (to 1.5 second) for the next 15 seconds. 1-minute cooldown. It still cannot be used during Deadly Calm. This ability was originally designed to help warriors with rage capping, but the Heroic Strike and rage normalization changes seem to have solved that problem on their own. This new design will still allow warriors to burn off excess rage faster, at their discretion.
- Slam cast time is now affected by haste.
- Bloodthirst damage has been increased by approximately 30%.
- Raging Blow weapon damage percent (at level 80+) has been increased from 110% to 145%.
- Charge’s stun continues to not trigger diminishing returns for Protection warriors who have the Warbringer talent.
- Find Herbs, Fish, and Minerals are no longer canceled upon entering an Arena or rated Battleground.
- A socket has been added to all crafted epic armor pieces that did not already have one.
- Alchemist’s Stones for Agility, Strength, and Intellect have been added.
- The number of herbs required to create flasks has been reduced, while the Volatile Life needed has been increased slightly.
- The drops from Tiny Treasure Chests have been improved slightly.
- Archaeology finds now grant a guaranteed skill point up to 50 skill, and then no longer grant skill gains, as opposed to granting up to 100 skill very slowly.
- The Electrified Ether recipe now creates 2 to 3 Electrified Ether instead of 1.
- The Heat-Treated Spinning Lure buff duration has been increased to 20 minutes, up from 5. In addition, the recipe now creates 2 at a time.
- Synapse Springs now increase Agility, Strength, or Intellect (whichever is highest for the character).
- Volatile Air now has an increased chance of dropping from rich mining nodes and Pyrite.
- Vivid Dream Emerald (new gem) provides resilience/spell penetration and can be purchased for 3 Illustrious Tokens.
- The 500 to 510 skill-up range for Leatherworking has been improved.
- Darkglow Embroidery (Rank 2) now increases Spirit instead of restoring a flat amount of mana.
- Left Eye of Rajh: Chance of triggering increased.
- The PvE warlock 4-piece set bonus (Fel Spark) now increases the damage done by the next 2 Fel Flame spells by 300%, rather than increasing the critical effect chance of one by 100%.
- The PvP hunter 4-piece set bonus has been increased to 10% Focus regeneration, up from 5%.
- The PvP warlock 4-piece set bonus has been redesigned. It now reduces the cooldown of Death Coil by 30 seconds.
- The PvP warrior 4-piece set bonus has been redesigned. It now reduces disarm duration by 60% (does not stack with any Weapon Chains).
- PvP trinkets will now clear disarm and silence effects.
- Right Eye of Rajh: Chance of triggering increased.
- Weapon Chains now reduce disarm duration by 60%, up from 50%.
Quests & Creatures
Tol Barad Peninsula
- Spawn rates at Rustberg Village have been increased.
13. Januar 2011 @ 17:09
Ummmm –
Resto-Druiden werden gebufft so wie es ATM aussieht –
gleiches gillt für Schamanen…
Was den Priester angeht – der Lightwell nerf ist in den aktuellen Patchnotes NICHT enthalten – nur der PoH – dafür wird CoH gebufft..
Generell wird massiv an Mastery als Stat geschraubt und die AE-Heals werden gepusht ( WG/CoH/Chainheal)
Einizg der Pala wird kaum angetastet was den Heal angeht…
14. Januar 2011 @ 23:59
Naja, ihr müsst das so sehen, ist halt die Beta, da wird schon mal kräftig rumgeschraubt.
Für mich persönlich ist das spiel nach einem Monat eh am Ende, da ich nicht mehr raide, 2 Hero Achievements und Berufe skillen sind noch übrig von Cata; da hätte ich mir echt mehr erhofft.
Zum Glück konnte ich die Heros noch alle sehen, die ich im übrigen nach dem ersten Durchlauf schon wieder zu leicht fand.
15. Januar 2011 @ 00:35
Naja, Testserver hin oder her, ein Ziel sollte schon klar vor Augen sein. Und wenn an allen anderen Klassen rumgeschraubt wird und z.T. sogar generft wird, stellt sich mir halt die Frage, warum der Heiler, der am meisten heilt, unangetastet (zumindest bis jetzt) bleibt.
Der Grosse Buff für Schami-Healer ist auch nicht dabei, frag mal Downie, der ist mit den derzeitigen Änderungen auch nicht zufrieden, da es nach wie vor keinen konkurrenzfähigen Grp-Heal gibt. Da ist es schon lustig, das der damalige Single-Target Healer Pala derzeit der stärkste Grp-Healer ist und sogar den Holy-Priest, das damalige AoE Powerhouse, in den Schatten stellt und Chain-Schamis quasi tot sind.
Und das nicht nur ich den Priester-Nerf als lächerlich empfinde (immer im Vergleich zum Pala) sieht man ja auch derzeit an der Masse an Blue Posts, die versuchen die Priester-Community zu beruhigen und die Nerfs zu rechtfertigen/schön zu reden. Ich will kein OP-Heiler spielen, aber ich will konkurrenzfähig sein. Aber derzeit heilt der Pala jenseits aller konkurrenz, da kann man sich auf den Kopf stellen und mit den Ohren wacklen. Und mit Patch 4.0.6 wird es nicht besser werden, sofern sich da nichts mehr tut
15. Januar 2011 @ 04:02
Palas heilen zur zeit wirklich vollkommen konkurrenzlos, aber ganz chancenlos sind zumindest priester doch nicht wenn man sich die World of Logs mal anschaut.
ich empfinde den neuen patch übrigens trotzdem als nerf für den schami. der mana tide nerf ist halt schon sehr hart…