März 22 2011
Neue PTR 4.1 Patch Notes – Maelstrom Crystals nun über Justice Vendor verfügbar
Und wie gesagt, der größte Hammer ist: Maelstroms Crystals sind nun per Justice Points erwerbbar. Waren die bisherigen Rewards eher ziemlicher Quatsch, lohnt es sich nun definitiv Honor oder Justice Points bis zum Cap zu horten. Gleichzeitig werden die Preise für die Kristalle implodieren, kein Wunder, bei den momentan astronomischen Kosten für die Maelstrom Verzauberungen. Ganz nebenbei werden die Kosten für die restlichen Güter um 50 % verbilligt, aber das wird wohl vorerst keine Rolle spielen, bis der Markt für die Kristalle Bodenhaftung erhalten hat. Ich finde das ehrlich gesagt ganz in Ordnung, denn momentan sind viele Enchants nur bezahlbar, wenn man enorme Mengen Gold aufwendet, zumal viele der Optionen zum Craften -> disenchanten (Alchisteine!).
Dagegen nehmen sich die restlichen Patchnotes wie Nebensächlichkeiten aus – auch wenn sie PVPler sehr freuen werden, weil sie nun ihren Gildenlevel deutlich besser pushen können. Auch wird die kontroverse Arena Ring of Valor redesigned, nachdem man es auch nach über einem Jahr nicht geschafft hat, die Bugs mit den Fahrstühlen komplett zu beseitigen.
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Source)Achievements
- A new feat of strength with an associated title, „the Camel-Hoarder“, has been added for players that have bested Dormus and obtained the Reins of the Grey Riding Camel — because there must always be a Camel-Hoarder.
- Rated Battlegrounds
- The achievements to win 100 rated Battlegrounds have been renamed to „Veteran of the Alliance“ and „Veteran of the Horde“, and now award those titles.
- Achievements to win 300 rated Battlegrounds have been added, awarding the „Warbound“ and „Warbringer“ titles to the Alliance and Horde respectively.
- Arathi Basin
- The achievement „We Had It All Along *cough*“ now requires the player to win Arathi Basin by 50 points or less, up from 10 points or less.
- The Battle for Gilneas
- The achievement „Jugger Not“ now requires the player to win The Battle for Gilneas by 100 points or less, up from 10 points or less.
- The achievement „Out of the Fog“ requires the player to defend 2 bases in a single battle, down from 3.
- The achievement „One Two Three You Don’t Know About Me“ requires the player to assault 2 bases in a single battle, down from 3.
- The achievement „Not Your Average PUG’er“ now requires 10 total flag defenses, down from 50.
- The achievement „Battle for Gilneas All-Star“ now requires a single flag assault and flag defense in a battle, down from 2.
Death Knight (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Desecration no longer triggers when an applicable strike hits a snare-immune target. This is primarily to avoid unnecessary spell effect clutter during boss encounters.
Mage (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Frostbolt damage has been increased by 10%.
- Fingers of Frost bonus damage applied to Ice Lance has been increased to 25%, up from 15%.
Paladin (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Illuminated Healing shield duration is now 15 seconds, up from 8 seconds. In addition, Illuminated Healing has been increased to provide 1.5% effect per mastery, up from 1.25%.
Shaman (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
- Improved Fire Nova has been redesigned and replaced by a talent called Seasoned Winds. When an enemy spell cast is successfully prevented with Wind Shear, the shaman gains magical resistance (in an amount equal to what a protection totem/aura would grant, stacking with such buffs) to the spell school(s) of the interrupted spell (except for Holy spells), lasting 10 seconds.
Dungeons & Raids
Dire Maul North
- The Gordok Courtyard Key in Fengus’s Chest is now replenished after several seconds.
The Mechanar
- The Cache of the Legion now unlocks when Gatewatcher Gyro-kill is gyro-killed.
- Postboxes no longer require keys to open, because really, who locks their postboxes anymore when they’re all undead? It’s just people sending coupons for brains anyway.
- The Postmaster now spawns when 3 of any postbox are opened.
- The Staff of Prehistoria is no longer required to open the door in the Map Room.
- Baelog’s chest has been given new loot. If it’s grey it’s good, right?
- Troll Cages no longer require the Executioner’s Key to open.
- The amount of guild experience rewarded for rated Battleground guild group wins has been dramatically increased.
- Players are now rewarded guild experience for Honorable Kills in the field.
- Players are now rewarded guild experience for Battleground wins in Battleground brackets up to level 80.
- Arena teams are now awarded guild experience for wins. The entire team must be members of the same guild to earn this experience.
- All trade goods available for purchase with Honor or Justice Points from the associated commodities vendors have had their prices reduced by 50%.
- Maelstrom Crystals are now available for purchase with Honor or Justice Points from the associated commodities vendors.
- The Ring of Valor has returned! It should now be playable again in the Arena map rotation.
- New starting areas have been added for Ring of Valor. Players will no longer enter the Arena on the elevator. It’s been removed. Instead players will start in a room at opposite ends of the Arena.
Quests & Creatures
- Loot from the creatures Garr, Julak-Doom, Mobus, and Poseidus has been adjusted to be commensurate to their rarity and invested effort.
User Interface
The Guild Finder has been implemented! While we are continuing to add final polish to this feature, we welcome all focused testers to give it a go. Feedback can be provided here.
23. März 2011 @ 11:58
New starting areas have been added for Ring of Valor. Players will no longer enter the Arena on the elevator. It’s been removed. Instead players will start in a room at opposite ends of the Arena.
Für mich wohl eines der besten Sachen, die dieser Patch bringt. Endlich wieder der Ring da, und das mit einem neuen Startground. Sehr gut gemacht. Das mit den Crystals war ungemein notwendig, die Preise dieser war einfach nur krank! Das mit dem Guild Finder wird man schauen müssen, wie die großen Gilden das regeln werden.
Hätte mir mehr balances im PvP ggnüber einiger Klassen gewünscht, aber man kann ja nicht alles haben ^.^